Professional Services Automation Data Dictionary


Label: Revenue Forecast Version Adjustment

Stores adjustments to values on revenue forecast version detail records.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Active__c Active Fall 2020 If selected, the change in value represented by this adjustment is applied to the values displayed on the Review Forecast Version page.

Checkbox true
Adjusted_By__c Adjusted By Summer 2024 Lookup to the user who made the adjustment. If you are using the Persist Adjustments Across Versions option on the active revenue forecast setup record, on future versions this shows the user who made the original adjustment.

Looks up to: User

Adjustment_Date__c Adjustment Date Summer 2024 The date and time the adjustment was made. If you are using the Persist Adjustments Across Versions option on the active revenue forecast setup record, on future versions this shows the original adjustment date and time.

Corp_Adjustment_Value__c Corp: Adjustment Value Fall 2020 The change in value represented by the adjustment.

Number(18,2) 0
Corp_Currency__c Corp: Currency Fall 2020 The corporate currency of the org at the time the revenue forecast was run.

Exchange_Rate__c Exchange Rate Winter 2021 The exchange rate from the corporate currency to the local currency.

Number(18,6) 0
Expiration_Date__c Expiration Date Summer 2024 The date the adjustment ceases to be included in a future version. If you are using Persist Adjustments Across Versions on the active setup record, only adjustments with no expiration date or a date in the future are copied into subsequent versions.

Group__c Group Fall 2020 Lookup to the group this adjustment relates to.

Looks up to: Grp__c
Milestone__c Milestone Winter 2021 Lookup to the milestone this adjustment relates to.

Looks up to: Milestone__c
Notes__c Notes Winter 2021 Information to explain why the adjustment was made.

Opportunity__c Opportunity Winter 2021 Lookup to the opportunity this adjustment relates to.

Looks up to: Opportunity

Practice__c Practice Fall 2020 Lookup to the practice this adjustment relates to.

Looks up to: Practice__c
Project__c Project Winter 2021 Lookup to the project this adjustment relates to.

Looks up to: Proj__c
Region__c Region Fall 2020 Lookup to the region this adjustment relates to.

Looks up to: Region__c
Revenue_Forecast_Version__c Revenue Forecast Version Fall 2020 Lookup to the revenue forecast version this adjustment relates to.

Looks up to: Revenue_Forecast_Version__c
Scenario__c Scenario Winter 2021 The scenario that this revenue forecast version adjustment relates to.

Time_Period__c Time Period Fall 2020 Lookup to the time period this adjustment relates to.

Looks up to: Time_Period__c
Unique_Identifier__c Unique identifier Fall 2020 The unique identifier for active revenue forecast version adjustment records. This is a system controlled field.


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