Professional Services Automation Data Dictionary


Label: Jira Work Log

Stores work logs synced from Jira if the synchronization of Jira work logs with PSA timecards is enabled. The records are used to keep timecards created from Jira work logs up to date.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Comment__c Comment Fall 2019 Description of the work log from Jira.

Issue_Key__c Issue Key Fall 2020 Key of the issue the work log was created against in Jira.

Start_Date__c Start Date Fall 2019 Work log started date from Jira.

Task_Time__c Task Time Fall 2020 Lookup to the related task time record.

Looks up to: Task_Time__c
Time_Spent_Formatted__c Time Spent (Formatted) Fall 2019 Amount of time logged in Jira, displayed in a user-friendly format.

Time_Spent_Seconds__c Time Spent (Seconds) Fall 2019 Amount of time logged in Jira, in seconds.

Timecard__c Timecard Fall 2019 Lookup to the related timecard.

Looks up to: Timecard_Header__c

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