Professional Services Automation Data Dictionary


Label: Billing Forecast Summary

Stores the billing forecast records created for a region, practice, or group.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Forecast_Enhanced_Calculation__c Billing Forecast Calculation Summer 2018 The billing forecast calculation associated with the record.

Looks up to: Forecast_Enhanced_Calculation__c
Group_Plan__c Group Plan Summer 2018 The group plan for the billing forecast.

Looks up to: Group_Plan__c
Group__c Group Summer 2018 The group for the billing forecast summary.

Looks up to: Grp__c
Parent_Summary__c Parent Billing Forecast Summary Spring 2019 A lookup to the billing forecast summary for the parent region, practice, or group in the hierarchy for this billing forecast summary.

Looks up to: Forecast_Enhanced_Summary__c
Practice_Plan__c Practice Plan Summer 2018 The practice plan for the billing forecast.

Looks up to: Practice_Plan__c
Practice__c Practice Summer 2018 The practice for the billing forecast summary.

Looks up to: Practice__c
Region_Plan__c Region Plan Summer 2018 The region plan for the billing forecast.

Looks up to: Region_Plan__c
Region__c Region Summer 2018 The region for the billing forecast summary.

Looks up to: Region__c

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