Canceling Multiple Journals

You can cancel multiple manual and reversing journals using the Create Canceling/Reversing Journals button in the Journals list view.

To cancel multiple journals:

  1. Click the Journals tab.
  2. [Optional] Load an appropriate list view to display journals that are eligible for being canceled. Only manual and reversing journals with the Status "Complete", and that have not already been canceled, can be canceled.
  3. Select the journals that you want to cancel, then click Create Canceling/Reversing Journals. The Canceling Journals page lists the journals that can be canceled. If your selection included any journals that cannot be canceled they are filtered out of the list.
  4. Click Save to create canceling journals for the journals that are listed. Or click Save & Post to create the canceling journals and post them right away. (To abandon the process, click Cancel.) The Canceling Journal page then lists the canceling journals that have been created.

You can cancel journals individually as explained in Creating a Canceling Journal. The Create Canceling/Reversing Journals button simply lets you cancel multiple journals at once.


The number of journals you can cancel at once depends upon platform limits. If you get a message about having exceeded platform limits, try reducing the Cancel And Recurring Journals Batch Size which is held in the Document Line Volume Settings custom setting.

Canceling Journals through Mass Action

To cancel journals from a list view:

  1. Navigate to the Journal list view page.
  2. Select one or more journals to cancel. If you are canceling a single journal from the Journal Lightning page, see Creating a Canceling Journal.
  3. Click Cancel Journals. The process happens in the background and once the canceling journals are created, an email is sent to the user that the canceling journals are created. The Email notification will have the ID of all the canceled journals. If any journal does not meet the criteria, then it is not included in the list and is not canceled. The logs in the email will list the reason why the journals were not included.
Note: You can cancel a journal:
  • If its Status is “Complete”.
  • If it does not have a canceling journal already created.

You cannot reverse a canceling journal or a reversing journal, nor can you reverse the original source journals that were used to create them.

When the canceling journal is posted, it reverses the transaction line items from the original source journal.

Once the canceling journal is created:

  • The canceling journal is moved to “Complete” status.
  • The transaction ID is removed from the field.
  • The description references the journal that is canceling.
  • The type of journal is “Canceling”.
  • The period is the same as the original.