Discarding Journals

Discarding a Single Journal

You must specify a reason for discarding the document, which is stored with the record for future reference and auditing.

To discard a document:

  1. Select the "In Progress" document that you want to discard.
  2. Click Discard. If you can't see this button, contact your administrator.
  3. Type a reason for discarding this document. You cannot leave this field blank.
  4. Click Discard again.
Note: The Discard button is also available on the Journal Lightning page.

Discarding Journals through Mass Action

To discard journals from a list view:

  1. Navigate to the Journals list view page.
  2. Select one or more journals to discard. If you are discarding a single journal from the Journal Lightning page, see Discarding a Single Journal.
  3. Click Discard. Specify a reason for discarding the journals. The discard reason will apply to all the journals. You can change the discard reasons for specific journals later. The process happens in the background and once the journals are discarded, an email is sent to the user that the selected journals were discarded along with a work log. If any journal does not meet the criteria, then it is not included in the list and is not discarded. The logs in the email will list the reason why the journals were not included.
Note: You can only discard journals if their status is “In Progress”.