Duplicating Journals

Duplicating a Single Journal

You can create a journal by duplicating an existing journal. This will create a new “In Progress” journal with the same information but with a new journal number.

Note: Journals with status "In Progress", or "Completed", can be duplicated.

To duplicate a journal:

  1. Navigate to the detail page for the journal you want to duplicate.
  2. In the Journal Lightning page, Click Duplicate. The existing journal is duplicated and an "In Progress" journal is created only with these duplicated fields:
    • Journal Date
    • Period
    • Accounting Book
    • Journal Currency
    • Reference
    • Journal Description
    • Type (Journal Type)
    • Custom fields
    • Line Items (Including custom fields)

The source journal information will be displayed in the journal description field of the duplicated journal by default.

Note: You can only duplicate manually created journals.

Duplicating Journals through Mass Action

You can perform the duplicate mass action from the journal list view. There are default settings configured for mass actions. However, you can customize it by changing the default values. For more information, see Mass Actions Settings in Accounting Settings.

To duplicate journals from a list view:

  1. Navigate to the Journals list view page.
  2. Select more than one journal to create duplicate journals. If you are duplicating a single journal from the Journal Lightning page, see Duplicating a Single Journal.
  3. Click Duplicate. The process happens in the background and once the journals are duplicated, an email is sent to the user that the journals are created. The Email notification will have the ID of all the duplicated journals created. If any journal does not meet the criteria, then it is not included in the list and is not duplicated. The logs in the email will list the reason why the journals were not included.

The duplicated journals are created only with these duplicated fields and with status "In Progress":

  • Journal Date
  • Period
  • Accounting Book
  • Journal Currency
  • Reference
  • Journal Description
  • Type (Journal Type)
  • Line Items (Including custom fields)
Note: You can only duplicate:
  • PSA Miscellaneous Adjustment Journal
  • Reconciliation Journals
  • Manual Journal