Budget Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a budget record. Some of these fields might not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.


Fields that related to a budget being billable are deprecated. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.

Key: * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Account   Lookup to the related account.
Admin Global Edit   Select to make the changes global. This includes changes to the budget's projectClosed A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets., resourceClosed A contact that works on a project., currency, and date regardless of whether Include in Financials is selected. To use this option, set Actuals Calculation Mode to Scheduled.
Amount * Amount of budgetClosed An amount used to manage expenditure on customer purchase orders, internal budgets, outbound vendor purchase orders and work orders. A budget must be associated with a project..
Amount Consumed   The monetary amount of this budget that has been consumed by business records allocated to it.
Amount Consumed Alert Threshold 1-2  

A percentage that is applied to the budget amount. When the value in the Amount Consumed field reaches this threshold, a Salesforce notification is sent to the project manager and to the contact in the project's Alert Recipient field.

For more information, see Notifying Users When Consumption of a Budget Exceeds a Threshold.

Amount Consumed by Expenses  

The monetary amount of this budget that has been consumed by expenses.

  • The expense value that consumes a Billable Expenses budget is the Billable Amount.

  • The expense value that consumes a Non-Billable Expenses budget is the Non-Billable Amount.

If the expense is not in project currency, the amount is converted to project currency for inclusion in this field. Conversion is done using the rates on the expense record.

Amount Consumed by Milestone Fees  

The monetary amount of this budget that has been consumed by milestones.

  • The milestone value that consumes a Customer Purchase Order budget is the Milestone Amount.

Amount Consumed by Misc Adjustments  

The monetary amount of this budget that has been consumed by miscellaneous adjustments.

  • The miscellaneous adjustment value that consumes a Customer Purchase Order budget is the Amount if the adjustment's transaction category is one that's included in the BillingsCategories setting in the Actuals configuration group.

  • The miscellaneous adjustment value that consumes an Internal Budget is the Amount if the adjustment's transaction category is one that's included in the InternalCostsCategories or OtherCostsCategories setting in the Actuals configuration group.

  • The miscellaneous adjustment value that consumes a Billable Expenses budget is the Amount if the adjustment's transaction category is one that's included in the billable-expense-budget-categories setting in the Miscellaneous Adjustment configuration group.

  • The miscellaneous adjustment value that consumes a Non-Billable Expenses budget is the Amount if the adjustment's transaction category is one that's included in the non-billable-expense-budget-categories setting in the Miscellaneous Adjustment configuration group.

For more information, see Budget Consumption by Miscellaneous Adjustments.

Amount Consumed by Timecard Splits  

The monetary amount of this budget that has been consumed by timecard splits.

  • The timecard split value that consumes a Customer Purchase Order budget is the Total Billable Amount.

  • The timecard split value that consumes an Internal Budget is the Total Cost.

Amount Remaining   This is a formula field showing the monetary amount of this budget that has not yet been consumed. The formula is: Amount - Amount Consumed
Apply Billing Cap  

If selected for a customer purchase order budget or billable expenses budget, PSA prevents you from releasing billing events that would exceed the budget amount.

Selecting this checkbox for other budget types has no effect.

Approved   Indicates this budget is approved.
Approved for Billing   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Approver   The current approver of the timecardClosed A mechanism for logging time against a project or an assignment..
Audit Notes   Audit notes for the business transaction.

We recommend that you include audit notes for every business transaction.

Bill Date   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Billable   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Billed   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Billing Event   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Billing Event Invoiced   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Billing Event Item   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Billing Event Released   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Billing Event Status   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Billing Hold   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Budget Header   Lookup to the parent budget header to which the budget relates.
Budget Name * Name of the budget. Make it identifiable to the project and its budget type. We recommend you make budget names unique within the project they relate to.
Currency   Usually the projectClosed A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. currency.
Customer Reference  

The customer purchase order number that this budget represents. If this budget is used by a budget allocation that's assigned to business records, when those records are billed the customer reference is copied to the generated billing events and billing event items. This means that when you release those billing events to your finance system for invoicing, the customer reference on each billing event is available to be included on its corresponding invoice if the integration between PSA and your finance system supports this. For more information, see Passing Customer References through to Billing Events.


You cannot edit this customer reference if it is included on billing events that have been released. If you need to edit it, you must first revert the billing events that use it.

Description   Description of this budget.
Effective Date * Date this budget becomes effective.
Eligible for Billing   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Exclude from Billing   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Expense Amount  

Amount of additional expense. If this field is populated for a budget of type Customer Purchase Order or Internal Budget (or their change request variants), the value is included in the Expense Transaction.

From Summer 2024, instead of using this field we recommend you create a budget of type Billable Expenses or Non-Billable Expenses and enter the budget amount in the Amount field. The value in the Amount field is then included in the Expense Transaction. This Expense Amount must be 0 or blank for budgets of type Billable Expenses or Non-Billable Expenses.

Expense Transaction  

Transaction ID for the cost associated with the budget.

  • For a Billable Expenses or Non-Billable Expenses budget, this is a transaction for the value in the Amount field.

  • For a Customer Purchase Order or Internal budget, this is a transaction for the value in the Expense Amount field (if populated).

Include In Financials   Indicates this budget's numbers should be included in financial roll-ups to projects and RPGs.
Invoice Date   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Invoice Number   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Invoiced   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Opportunity   Lookup to the related opportunity.
Override Project Region/Practice/Group   Overrides the Project/Region/Practice/Group to which the transactions on a miscellaneous adjustment roll up to for Project/Region/Practice/Group actuals.
Override Project Region/Practice/Group Currency Code   Currency code of the currency selected on the Override Project Region/Practice/Group.
Pre-Billed Amount  

This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.

Pre-Billed Transaction   This field will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend using another billable business record to represent pre-billed amounts.
Project * Lookup to the related projectClosed A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets..
Status * Draft, Open, Approved or Rejected.
Total Amount   This field will be deprecated in a future release. It sums the Amount and Expense Amount fields. However we now recommend storing expenses on a separate budget of type Billable Expenses or Non-Billable Expenses, in which case the Amount field holds the total amount for the budget.
Transaction   Transaction ID for the budget.
Type *

You can choose one of the following budget types:

  • Billable Expenses
  • Customer Purchase Order
  • Customer Purchase Order Change Request
  • Internal Budget
  • Internal Budget Change Request
  • Non-Billable Expenses
  • Vendor Purchase Order
  • Vendor Purchase Order Change Request
  • Work Order
  • Work Order Change Request.

If the budget type is Billable Expenses or Non-Billable Expenses, the Expense Amount field must be 0 or blank.

Time-Based Budget Consumption

The Time-Based Budget Consumption grid is usually displayed on the Consumption tab of a budget record, although an administrator can configure it to be displayed elsewhere on the page. The grid is part of the Time-Based Budget Consumption component.

For information about the grid, see Time-Based Budget Consumption Fields.

Milestone-Based Budget Consumption

The Milestone-Based Budget Consumption grid is usually displayed on the Consumption tab of a budget record, although an administrator can configure it to be displayed elsewhere on the page. The grid is part of the Milestone-Based Budget Consumption component.

For information about the grid, see Milestone-Based Budget Consumption Fields.

Miscellaneous Adjustments-Based Budget Consumption

The Miscellaneous Adjustments-Based Budget Consumption grid is usually displayed on the Consumption tab of a budget record, although an administrator can configure it to be displayed elsewhere on the page. The grid is part of the Miscellaneous Adjustments-Based Budget Consumption component.

For information about the grid, see Miscellaneous Adjustments-Based Budget Consumption Fields.

Expense-Based Budget Consumption

The Expense-Based Budget Consumption grid is usually displayed on the Consumption tab of a budget record, although an administrator can configure it to be displayed elsewhere on the page. The grid is part of the Expense-Based Budget Consumption component.

For information about the grid, see Expense-Based Budget Consumption Fields.

Accounting Connector

If PSA – Accounting Connector is installed in your org, additional fields are available on the Budget object. For more information, see Budget Fields.