Gantt Fields

This topic describes the fields in the Gantt task grid for administrators.

Task Grid Fields

These fields are set in the Project Task object.

From Setup:

  1. In section Platform Tools, select Objects and Fields | Object Manager | Project Task. Using ClassicClosed In section App Setup, click Create | Objects | Project Task.
  2. Click Fields & Relationships.

This table details the fields in the Fields & Relationships list.

Field Label

Field Name


Data Type

WBS Element Number WBS_Element_Number

A work breakdown structure (WBS) that is generated automatically from an existing project hierarchy, and updated automatically as the hierarchy changes.

Project Task Name Name The name that a user enters.
Start Date Start_Date

The start date of the project or project task.

The format is dependent on the computer's location.

Formula (Date)
End Date End_Date

The end date of the project or project task.

The format is dependent on the computer's location.

Formula (Date)
Duration Units Duration_Unit

Specifies the units of time used for project tasks. Valid values are hours or days. The default value is days.

Estimated Hours Estimated_Hours The estimated hours that the user enters for the task. Values are rolled up to the estimated hours for the parent task and the project. Number (16,2)
Estimated Cost Estimated_Cost

Displays the estimated cost that is calculated by multiplying the value in the Estimated Hours field by a value from another object associated with the PTA, such as an assignment, resource, or rate card. The calculation uses only hourly rates.

PSA uses the following criteria to determine the value to be used in the calculation:

PTA State

Value Used

PTA with a resource and an existing assignment.

The assignment's cost rate.
PTA with a resource but no existing assignment. The resource's cost rate.
PTA with a resource role only, and a resource request and rate card for the resource role. The average cost rate from the resource request.
PTA with a resource role only, and a rate card for the resource role, but no resource request. The average cost rate from the resource role's rate card.

The calculated value is rolled up from child project tasks into their parent project task and is always in the project's currency.

Currency(16, 2)
Actual Hours Actual_Hours

A read-only field for the hours saved, submitted or approved on timecards for a task.

Hours for child tasks are rolled up to their parent task, and the total hours are rolled up to the project.

Number (16,2)
Actual Cost Actual_Cost

A read-only field that is calculated by multiplying each assigned resource's timecard actual hours by the cost rate on the timecard.

This value is rolled up into the parent project task and is always in the project's currency.

To display this field, add it to the Gantt Read Only Custom Columns field set on the Project Task object.

Currency(16, 2)

Timecard Actual Hours

Timecard_Actual_Hours A read-only field for the time completed against a timecard for a project task, where the timecard status matches any of those defined in the Timecard Statuses field in the Task Management Settings custom setting. Number (16,2)
Assigned Resources Assigned_Resources A comma-separated list of the details of resources or roles assigned to project tasks. Text(255)
Work Calendar Work_Calendar The work calendar used to schedule a project task in Gantt.

Lookup(Work Calendar)