Foundations Data Dictionary


Label: Account Extension

Stores additional details for specific accounts.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Account__c Account Summer 2020 Salesforce account to which this account extension relates.

Looks up to: Account

EInvoicingAddressIdentifier__c E-Invoicing Address Identifier Fall 2021 The electronic address for this account which is used for e-invoicing. The combination of scheme plus identifier must be unique.

EInvoicingDoNotAutoSend__c Do Not Automatically Send E-Invoices Fall 2021 If selected, e-invoices for this account will not be sent automatically even if the org-wide flag for automatically sending e-invoices is enabled.

Checkbox false
EInvoicingSchemeID__c E-Invoicing Address Scheme Fall 2021 The scheme for the electronic address in the format required by your e-invoicing provider. The combination of scheme plus identifier must be unique.

TaxExemptionReason__c Tax Exemption Reason Summer 2020 Identifier for the tax exemption reason.


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