Foundations Data Dictionary


Label: Slack Channel Member Event

Tracks member changes for related Slack channels.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
ChannelId__c Channel ID Spring 2020 The identifier for the Slack channel.

ErrorCode__c Error Code Spring 2020 A code representing an error that occurred.

Invited__c Added to Channel Spring 2020 If selected, indicates that the specified users have been added to the Slack channel. If deselected, indicates that the specified users have been removed from the channel.

Checkbox false
Ok__c OK Spring 2020 Indicates that the event was successful.

Checkbox false
SalesforceObjectId__c Salesforce Record ID Spring 2020 The identifier for the Salesforce record.

SalesforceUserIds__c Salesforce User IDs Spring 2020 The list of users who have been added to or removed from the Slack channel.


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