Foundations Data Dictionary


Label: FDN Storecove Connector Settings

Storecove Connector Settings

This custom setting is protected and can only be modified by Certinia.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
APIKey__c API Key Spring 2022 Storecove API key

ArchiveReceivedEInvoices__c Archive Received E-Invoices Spring 2022 When selected, enables archiving of received electronic invoices.

Checkbox false
ArchiveSentEInvoices__c Archive Sent E-Invoices Spring 2022 When selected, enables archiving of sent electronic invoices.

Checkbox false
ConnectionURL__c Connection URL Spring 2022 Storecove connection URL

EnableReceiving__c Enable Receiving Spring 2022 When selected, enables receiving of electronic invoices.

Checkbox false
EnableSending__c Enabled Spring 2022 Allow sending e-invoices to the Storecove connector

Checkbox false

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