Foundations Data Dictionary


Label: Async API Framework Settings

Contains settings that control the Async API Framework.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
DaysToKeepErrorJobRecords__c Days to Keep Error Job Records Spring 2024 Number of days to keep records for jobs that failed before automatically deleting them.

Number(4,0) 14
DaysToKeepProcessRunsAndLogs__c Days to Keep Process Run & Logs Spring 2021 Number of days to keep Process Run and Log records before automatically deleting them.

Number(4,0) 90
DaysToKeepSuccessfulJobRecords__c Days to Keep Success Job Records Spring 2024 Number of days to keep records for jobs that succeded before automatically deleting them.

Number(4,0) 7
DeadJobEnqueueDelayMinutes__c Dead Job Sweeper Enqueue Delay Minutes Spring 2024 For Certinia internal use only. The number of minutes to delay the enqueuing of the Dead Job Sweeper. (Default is 1, Minimum is 1) a zero value will be ignored

Number(4,0) 1
IsTestWithChain__c TEST ONLY: Is Test With Chain Summer 2024 For Certinia internal use only. Set to true to enable tests to run with chained queueables.

Checkbox false
LastJobRecordCleanupTime__c Job Record Cleanup Time Spring 2024 For Certinia internal use only. Time of last cleanup of Job Records.

MaxStalledJobChecks__c Maximum Stalled Job Checks Spring 2024 For Certinia internal use only. The number of times a Blocked Job is checked by the Monitor job and failed to progress before it is deemed to have failed. (Default is 10, Minimum is 1) a zero value will be ignored)

Number(4,0) 10
MaximumRetainedJobRecords__c Maximum completed Job Records to retain Spring 2024 For Certinia internal use only. Maximum number of completed Job Records that can be retained.

Number(10,0) 100000
MaximumRunningSystemJobs__c Maximum Running System Jobs Summer 2024 For Certinia internal use only. The maximum number of running system jobs. This is used to the throttle the number of actively executing system jobs. User mode jobs are unaffected. A negative value removes the throttle.

Number(4,0) -1
MonitorEnqueueDelayMinutes__c Monitor Enqueue Delay Minutes Spring 2024 For Certinia internal use only. The number of minutes to delay the enquueing of the monitor job. (Default is 1, Minimum is 1) a zero value will be ignored)

Number(4,0) 1
MonitorExecutionAttempts__c Monitor Enqueue Attempts Spring 2024 For Certinia internal use only. The number of times the Monitor will be repeatedly enqueued where no jobs are found before retiring.

Number(4,0) 30
MonitorMaxJobsPerIteration__c Monitor Max Jobs per Iteration Spring 2024 For Certinia internal use only. The maximum number of pending jobs to be queried per iteration of the Monitor Job. A hard limit of 25000 records is enforced.

PendingJobIdleLimit__c Pending Job Idle Limit Spring 2024 For Certinia internal use only. The number of minutes a job can sit in an idle state before it's picked up by the Job Monitor and re-enqueued (Default is 5, Minimum is 1) a zero value will be ignored

Number(4,0) 5

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