Foundations Data Dictionary


Label: Slack Channel Event

Tracks details of related Slack channels.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Archived__c Archived Spring 2020 Indicates that the Slack channel is archived.

Checkbox false
ChannelId__c Channel ID Spring 2020 The ID of the Slack channel.

ChannelName__c Channel Name Spring 2020 The name of the Slack channel.

Deleted__c Deleted Spring 2020 Indicates that the Slack channel is deleted.

Checkbox false
ErrorCode__c Error Code Spring 2020 A code representing an error that occurred.

Members__c Channel Members Spring 2020 The list of users who are associated with the Slack channel.

Ok__c OK Spring 2020 Indicates that the event was successful.

Checkbox false
SalesforceObjectId__c Salesforce Record Id Spring 2020 The identifier for the Salesforce record.


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