Foundations Data Dictionary


Label: Billing Document Line Item

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Account__c Shipping Account Summer 2020 Salesforce account representing the location the product is shipped to. The account must be a descendant of the related billing document account and contain complete address details. Descendants up to five relationships deep in the hierarchy are valid.

Looks up to: Account

AnalysisItem1__c Analysis Item 1 Pre-Spring 2018 Used to sub-analyze billing document lines and can be used to represent a number of different business concepts.

Looks up to: AnalysisItem__c
AnalysisItem2__c Analysis Item 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Used to sub-analyze billing document lines and can be used to represent a number of different business concepts.

Looks up to: AnalysisItem__c
AnalysisItem3__c Analysis Item 3 Pre-Spring 2018 Used to sub-analyze billing document lines and can be used to represent a number of different business concepts.

Looks up to: AnalysisItem__c
AnalysisItem4__c Analysis Item 4 Pre-Spring 2018 Used to sub-analyze billing document lines and can be used to represent a number of different business concepts.

Looks up to: AnalysisItem__c
BillingDocumentExternalTaxStatus__c Billing Document External Tax Status Fall 2020 Formula field containing the external tax status of the billing document to which the billing document line item belongs.

BillingDocumentStatus__c Billing Document Status Pre-Spring 2018 Formula field containing the status of the billing document to which the billing document line item belongs.

BillingDocument__c Billing Document Pre-Spring 2018 Billing document to which this billing document line item belongs.

Looks up to: BillingDocument__c
CompanySite__c Company Site Summer 2020 Company site representing the location the product is shipped from. The site must be a child of the related billing document company and contain complete address details.

Looks up to: CompanySite__c
DerivedUnitPrice__c Derived Unit Price Summer 2022 Average price charged per unit before tax. This can be used for integrating with systems that only allow unit price and quantity, with no other adjustments, or when you want the unit price to accurately reflect what is being charged.

IF(NetValue__c = 0, 0, NetValue__c / Quantity__c)
DiscountTotal__c Discount Total Pre-Spring 2018 The total discount for this billing document line item.

InvalidCompanySite__c Invalid Company Site Summer 2020 Indicates that the selected company site is not a child of the billing document company.

AND( CompanySite__c != null, OR( BillingDocument__r.Company__c = null, CompanySite__r.Company__c != BillingDocument__r.Company__c))
InvalidShippingAccount__c Invalid Shipping Account Summer 2020 Indicates that the selected shipping account is not a descendant of the billing document account.

AND( Account__c != null, OR( BillingDocument__r.Account__c = null, AND( Account__r.ParentId != BillingDocument__r.Account__c, Account__r.Parent.ParentId != BillingDocument__r.Account__c, Account__r.Parent.Parent.ParentId != BillingDocument__r.Account__c, Account__r.Parent.Parent.Parent.ParentId != BillingDocument__r.Account__c, Account__r.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.ParentId != BillingDocument__r.Account__c)))
LineDescription__c Description Pre-Spring 2018 Description of the billing document line item.

ManualAddressOverride__c Enter Shipping Address Manually Summer 2020 Indicates that you want to enter and maintain the shipping address manually. If deselected and a shipping account is specified, the account shipping address is saved to the line.

Checkbox false
NetValueBeforeDiscount__c Net Value Before Discount Pre-Spring 2018 The net value of the billing document line item before the discounts are applied.

NetValueOverride__c Net Value Override Pre-Spring 2018 Optional manual calculation of the net value.

NetValue__c Net Value Pre-Spring 2018 Total Value of this billing document line item before tax. This is often equal to Quantity x Unit Price, but may be different if additional discounts have been applied to the line or different prices have been applied for different units.

IF(ISNULL(NetValueOverride__c) , Quantity__c * UnitPrice__c, NetValueOverride__c)
ProductService__c Product or Service Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the Salesforce product or service to which this billing document line item relates.

Looks up to: Product2

Quantity__c Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 Number of items included in this billing document line item. This is used to calculate the Total Value of the billing document line item.

Number(18,6) 1.000000
ReportingNetValueNumber__c Reporting Net Value Number Spring 2020 Reporting net value, stored as a number.

ReportingNetValue__c Reporting Net Value Pre-Spring 2018 Total Value of this billing document line item before tax based on the Document Type of the billing document. If the billing document is an invoice, the value is the same as the Net Value. If the document is a credit note, the value is calculated using the formula: Net Value * -1.

IF (ISPICKVAL(BillingDocument__r.DocumentType__c, "Credit Note"), NetValue__c * -1, NetValue__c)
ReportingTaxValue1__c Reporting Tax Value 1 Pre-Spring 2018 Tax Value 1 of the corresponding Tax Rate based on the Document Type of the billing document. If the billing document is an invoice, the value is the same as Tax Value 1. If the document is a credit note, the value is calculated using the formula: Tax Value 1 * -1.

IF (ISPICKVAL(BillingDocument__r.DocumentType__c, "Credit Note"), TaxValue1__c * -1, TaxValue1__c)
ReportingTaxValue2__c Reporting Tax Value 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Tax Value 2 of the corresponding Tax Rate based on the Document Type of the billing document. If the billing document is an invoice, the value is the same as Tax Value 2. If the document is a credit note, the value is calculated using the formula: Tax Value 2 * -1.

IF (ISPICKVAL(BillingDocument__r.DocumentType__c, "Credit Note"), TaxValue2__c * -1, TaxValue2__c)
ReportingTaxValue3__c Reporting Tax Value 3 Pre-Spring 2018 Tax Value 3 of the corresponding Tax Rate based on the Document Type of the billing document. If the billing document is an invoice, the value is the same as Tax Value 3. If the document is a credit note, the value is calculated using the formula: Tax Value 3 * -1.

IF (ISPICKVAL(BillingDocument__r.DocumentType__c, "Credit Note"), TaxValue3__c * -1, TaxValue3__c)
ReportingTaxValueTotal__c Reporting Tax Value Total Pre-Spring 2018 Total tax for the billing document line item based on the Document Type of the billing document. If the billing document is an invoice, the value is the same as the Tax Value Total. If the document is a credit note, the value is calculated using the formula: Tax Value Total * -1.

IF (ISPICKVAL(BillingDocument__r.DocumentType__c, "Credit Note"), TaxValueTotal__c * -1, TaxValueTotal__c)
ReportingTotalValue__c Reporting Total Value Pre-Spring 2018 Total Value of this billing document line item including tax based on the Document Type of the billing document. If the billing document is an invoice, the value is the same as the Total Value. If the document is a credit note, the value is calculated using the formula: Total Value * -1.

IF (ISPICKVAL(BillingDocument__r.DocumentType__c, "Credit Note"), TotalValue__c * -1, TotalValue__c)
ShippingCity__c Shipping City Summer 2020 Shipping address city.

ShippingCountry__c Shipping Country Summer 2020 Shipping address country.

ShippingPostalCode__c Shipping Zip/Postal Code Summer 2020 Shipping address postal code.

ShippingState__c Shipping State/Province Summer 2020 Shipping address state/province.

ShippingStreet__c Shipping Street Summer 2020 Shipping address street.

TaxCode1__c Tax Code 1 Pre-Spring 2018 Tax code to use when calculating tax for this billing document line item.

Looks up to: TaxCode__c
TaxCode2__c Tax Code 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Tax code to use when calculating tax for this billing document line item.

Looks up to: TaxCode__c
TaxCode3__c Tax Code 3 Pre-Spring 2018 Tax code to use when calculating tax for this billing document line item.

Looks up to: TaxCode__c
TaxRate1__c Tax Rate 1 Pre-Spring 2018 Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this billing document line item.

TaxRate2__c Tax Rate 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this billing document line item.

TaxRate3__c Tax Rate 3 Pre-Spring 2018 Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this billing document line item.

TaxRateTotal__c Tax Rate Total Pre-Spring 2018 Total tax rate for the billing document line item.

TaxRate1__c + TaxRate2__c + TaxRate3__c
TaxValue1__c Tax Value 1 Pre-Spring 2018 Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate using the formula: Net Value * (Tax Rate / 100).

TaxValue2__c Tax Value 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate using the formula: Net Value * (Tax Rate / 100).

TaxValue3__c Tax Value 3 Pre-Spring 2018 Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate using the formula: Net Value * (Tax Rate / 100).

TaxValueTotal__c Tax Value Total Pre-Spring 2018 Total tax for the billing document line item.

TaxValue1__c + TaxValue2__c + TaxValue3__c
TotalValue__c Total Value Pre-Spring 2018 Total Value of this billing document line item including tax. The formula used to calculate this is Net Value + Tax Value Total.

NetValue__c + TaxValueTotal__c
UnitPrice__c Unit Price Pre-Spring 2018 Price of one item for the billing document line item. This will reflect the list price that is normally charged for this item, not necessarily what has actually been charged in this instance.

Number(18,9) 0.000000000

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