Foundations Data Dictionary


Label: Company

Stores the company details.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
City__c City Pre-Spring 2018 Text(40)
Code__c Code Pre-Spring 2018 Company code in the Avatax account to which documents are to be posted. If this field does not contain a value, documents are assigned to the default company.

CorrelationId__c Correlation Id Pre-Spring 2018 Text(32)
Country__c Country Pre-Spring 2018 Text(40)
Email__c Email Pre-Spring 2018 Email
Fax__c Fax Pre-Spring 2018 Phone
IsAddressValidated__c Address Validated Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates whether the company address has been validated against the addresses in the external tax calculation service.

NOT ( ISBLANK(Street__c) && ISBLANK(City__c) && ISBLANK(State__c) && ISBLANK(Zip__c) && ISBLANK(Country__c) ) && ( Street__c = ValidatedStreet__c ) && ( City__c = ValidatedCity__c ) && ( State__c = ValidatedState__c ) && ( Zip__c = ValidatedZip__c ) && ( Country__c = ValidatedCountry__c )
LogoURL__c Logo URL Pre-Spring 2018 URL of the company's logo.

Logo__c Logo Pre-Spring 2018 Formula field that displays the company logo specified in the Logo URL.

IF(LEN(LogoURL__c)=0,"", IMAGE(LogoURL__c,"Company Logo"))
Phone__c Phone Pre-Spring 2018 Phone
ScannedPayableDocumentEmail__c Scanned Payable Document Email Summer 2023 Displays the email ID from the email service which is used to assign the company to payable documents.

State__c State/Province Pre-Spring 2018 Text(20)
Street__c Street Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
TaxInformation__c Tax Information Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the tax information for this company.

Looks up to: CompanyTaxInformation__c
UniquenessConstraint__c Uniqueness Constraint Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
ValidatedCity__c Validated City Pre-Spring 2018 Address city validated by the external tax calculation service.

ValidatedCountry__c Validated Country Pre-Spring 2018 Address country validated by the external tax calculation service.

ValidatedState__c Validated State/Province Pre-Spring 2018 Address state or province validated by the external tax calculation service.

ValidatedStreet__c Validated Street Pre-Spring 2018 Address street validated by the external tax calculation service.

ValidatedZip__c Validated Zip/Postal Code Pre-Spring 2018 Address postal code validated by the external tax calculation service.

Website__c Website Pre-Spring 2018 URL of the company's website.

Zip__c Zip/Postal Code Pre-Spring 2018 Text(20)

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