Gantt Print Setup

Professional Services Cloud

This table describes the possible settings on the Print Setup page.






Gantt Chart Range

Select the part of the Gantt Chart to print.

Note: This setting has no impact on the view of the Task Grid in the printout.
Visible Chart

Prints only the task grid and Gantt chart that is rendered in your browser view.

Note: We recommend that you do not use this setting as it is currently under review.
Complete Chart
Rendered Chart

Prints the whole Gantt chart, not just part that is visible in the current view.

Complete Chart Prints all tasks scheduled for the project, irrespective of the data that is currently rendered in the Gantt chart.
Date Range Select a range of dates to print for the Gantt chart. This does not control the Row Range. Tasks falling outside the date range are printed and displayed from within the task grid and not the Gantt chart.
Columns Select the columns in Task Grid to be printed.

All available columns are listed

Includes the selected columns.

All available columns are selected by default

Row Range Select which rows to print from the Task Grid. All Expanded Rows Prints all rows that you currently have expanded in your project. All Expanded Rows

Visible Rows

Prints only the rows which are currently visible on your screen.
 Control Pagination Select to print the chart on a single page, or over multiple pages. Single Page The task grid and the Gantt chart are printed on a single page. Use this setting if you are printing to PDF and/or using a larger paper size. Single Page


The task grid and the Gantt chart are printed over multiple pages vertically, and then horizontally. What is printed depends on your setting for Gantt Chart Range.
Multipage Vertically

The task grid and the Gantt chart are printed over multiple pages vertically. What is printed depends on your setting for Gantt Chart Range.

Paper Size

Select an appropriate paper size for your print.

This setting is disabled when using single page pagination.

A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Letter, Legal

For printing to PDF, we recommend that you use a larger paper size.

Letter and Legal are US paper sizes.


Select an appropriate layout for your print.

Notes: Update your browser print settings to match these settings before printing.
Notes: This setting is disabled when using single page pagination.


Landscape Prints in landscape layout. Landscape


Select in portrait layout.
Level of Detail

Enter or use the control to increase (higher level) or decrease (lower level) the detail in the print.


Decreasing detail can cause some data to be truncated, such as project task names and dates. 200
Show Page Number Select the checkbox to include page numbers in the printed output.


Includes page numbers. Selected
Deselected Excludes page numbers.