Creating Resource Requests from Project Tasks

You must have added at least a role to a project task to create a project task assignment (PTA) from which you can create a resource request. To create a held resource request, the PTA must have a role and a resource.

When creating either type of resource request, there are mandatory grouping criteria for the contents of each resource request. You cannot remove these grouping criteria, but your administrator can add other criteria, such as milestone and external resource. Using the mandatory grouping criteria:

  • For unheld resource requests, PTAs are grouped into one resource request for the role.
  • For held resource requests, PTAs are grouped into one resource request for each resource and role combination.

This means that you cannot create separate resource requests for the same role on the same project task assignment.

  • The main procedure is for users of record pages supplied by Certinia from Fall 2020.
  • From Fall 2020, if you are not using the pages supplied by Certinia, your administrator can add the PSA Actions: Task-Based Resourcing component to the project record page.
  • Your administrator must grant you the Resource Request Entry permission control and edit access to the relevant fields. For information on the field permissions required, see Permissions for Creating Resource Requests from Project Tasks (Lightning).

To create resource requests from a project task assignment:

  1. On a project record, do one of the following:
    • For unheld resource requests, click Actions | Task-Based Resourcing | Create Resource Requests from Project Tasks. The Create Resource Requests from Project Tasks window opens.
    • For held resource requests, click Actions | Task-Based Resourcing | Create Held Resource Requests from Project Tasks. The Create Held Resource Requests from Project Tasks window opens.

    The roles and resources or suggested resources in the project that you can generate resource requests for are displayed. PTAs without roles are not displayed. All possible resource requests are selected by default. Any external resources are shown in the Notes column.

  2. [Optional] Deselect any resource requests that you do not want to generate.
  3. [Optional] Edit the field values, as needed. For picklists, start typing to generate a list of options, and then select an option.
  4. [Optional] Click Grouping Criteria to define the fields that you want the resource requests to be grouped by. All of the available fields are selected by default, but you can deselect fields that you don't need, and then click Update Preview. If you remove fields from the grouping criteria list, the corresponding columns are removed from the table. Contact your administrator if you want to change the fields available in the grouping criteria.

    If you are using the default Resource Role, Resource, and Milestone fields on project task assignments to group resource requests, read-only columns for the corresponding resource request fields are shown in the table. For unheld resource requests, columns for the Resource Role, Suggested Resource, and Milestone fields are displayed. For held resource requests, columns for the Resource Role, Resource, and Milestone fields are displayed.

  5. Click Create. A message appears, stating that the EVA job is queued. To view the processed EVAs, refresh the page.
  • After you have created resource requests, your grouping selection is retained whenever you use the same browser on the same computer for this procedure.
  • When you have created a resource request from a project task, and the resource request is then held, a task schedule is generated and the resource's hours are spread equally across the task's duration. When you create a resource request that is not associated with a project task, and then the resource request is held, this follows the standard behavior.

  • To view the processed EVAs, Refresh the page. For more information on viewing queued jobs, see the Salesforce Help.


Your administrator can map additional PTA fields to resource request fields. If a field in the grouping criteria has a custom mapping, read-only columns for the corresponding resource request fields are displayed in the table. For more information on configuring groupings, columns, and custom mappings, see Managing the Custom Columns, Groupings, and Custom Mappings Used When Creating Resource Requests from Project Tasks (Lightning).