fferpcore.DataTransformationServiceglobal with sharing class DataTransformationService Perform data transformation using the Transformation Tables. This class contains deprecated items. Methodstransformglobal static fferpcore.DataTransformationService.TransformResult transform(List<fferpcore.DataTransformationService.TransformRequest> requests) The method takes a list of TransformRequests and performs the transformation. It yields a Transformation result which wraps all the DataResults for each TransformRequest. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a DataTransformationService.TransformResult. Sample Code
DeprecatedThe following items are deprecated and not supported for use. We recommend that you stop using these items to avoid exceptions. MethodstransformDeprecated: This method has been deprecated, use the List<fferpcore.DataTransformationService.DataResult> overload instead. global static fferpcore.DataTransformationService.TransformResult transform(Set<fferpcore.DataTransformationService.TransformRequest> requests) fferpcore.DataTransformationService.TransformRequestglobal inherited sharing class TransformRequest Used to construct a request passed into the transform method fferpcore.DataTransformationService service. Methods
TransformRequestglobal TransformRequest(Id transformTableId, String[] inputs) Used to construct a request passed into the transform method fferpcore.DataTransformationService service. Input Parameters
Sample Code
getTransformTableIdglobal Id getTransformTableId() Used to get the Id used to construct the object. Return ValueThis service returns an Id object. Sample Code
getInputsglobal String[] getInputs() Used to extract to the inputValues used to construct the object. Return ValueThis service returns a String[] object. Sample Code
getTransformationUniquenessConstraintglobal String getTransformationUniquenessConstraint() The uniqueness constraint for the fferpcore__DataTransformation__c record that this object represents. Used when constructing the TransformResult. Return ValueThe hash used in fferpcore__DataTransformation__c.fferpcore__UniquenessConstraint__c for the current data transformation table ID and inputs. equalsglobal Boolean equals(Object other) hashCodeglobal Integer hashCode() fferpcore.DataTransformationService.TransformResultglobal inherited sharing class TransformResult Result of a transform operation. This class contains deprecated items. Methods
TransformResultglobal TransformResult(Map<String, fferpcore.DataTransformationService.DataResult> resultsByUniquenessConstraint) Construct a TransformResult using the specified DataResults, keyed by the transformation uniqueness constraint of the TransformRequest. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe TransformResult instance. getDataResultForTransformRequestglobal fferpcore.DataTransformationService.DataResult getDataResultForTransformRequest(fferpcore.DataTransformationService.TransformRequest transformRequest) Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a DataTransformationService.DataResult Sample Code
DeprecatedThe following items are deprecated and not supported for use. We recommend that you stop using these items to avoid exceptions. MethodsTransformResultDeprecated: This method has been deprecated, use the Map<String, fferpcore.TransformResult.DataResult> overload instead. global TransformResult(Map<fferpcore.DataTransformationService.TransformRequest, fferpcore.DataTransformationService.DataResult> requestToResultMap) fferpcore.DataTransformationService.DataResultglobal inherited sharing class DataResult Result for a single transform request. Methods
DataResultglobal DataResult(String output, String error) Construct a DataResult with the given output and error. If output and error are both null, an explicit null output is assumed. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe DataResult instance. isErrorglobal Boolean isError() This method returns true if a data transformation has failed. This could occur when a data transformation table has been deleted but a mapping is still associated with it. Return ValueTrue if there is an error. Sample Code
getErrorglobal String getError() This method returns the error message associated with the DataResult, if one is present. If one isn't present null will be used. Return ValueThe error as a string object, or null. Sample Code
getOutputglobal String getOutput() This method returns the output of the data transformation. This output can be null if the value is null or if there is an error. Return ValueThe output value. Can be null if the value is null, or if there is an error. Sample Code