Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class TaxCalculationResponseTargetObject implements TargetObject

This class represents the in-memory tax calculation response target object. This is meant to be used as a source in a Transform Service request.

This class implements the following interfaces:



global TaxCalculationResponseTargetObject()

Create a TaxCalculationResponseTargetObject.


global TaxCalculationResponseTargetObject(fferpcore.TaxCalculationService.TaxResponseLine taxLine)

Create a fferpcore.TaxCalculationResponseTargetObject by passing in a tax line.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
taxLine fferpcore.TaxCalculationService.TaxResponseLine The tax line being transformed.


global Object get(String fieldName)

Get the current value of a field.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
fieldName String The name of the field.

Return Value

The current value associated with the given field name.


global void put(String fieldName, Object value)

Set a value for the given field.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
fieldName String The name of the field.
value Object The value to set.


global fferpcore.TargetObject getLookup(String lookupName)

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
lookupName String The name of the lookup.

Return Value

The TargetObject navigated by the given lookup. Returns null if the lookup is empty. A TargetObject may choose to lazy instantiate a lookup value if the DataTarget supports creation of lookups.


global fferpcore.TargetObjectList getChildren(String fieldName)

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
fieldName String The name of the field.

Return Value

Returns a NullTargetObjectList.


global fferpcore.DataType getDataType(String fieldName)

Get the data type of the given field.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
fieldName String The name of the field.

Return Value

The DataType of the given field.


global void destroy()

Request that this target object is destroyed. Actual destruction may not occur immediately. This means that target objects that are destroyed may be returned by subsequent queries.


global Boolean isDestroyed()

Check whether the target object is destroyed.

Return Value

Returns true if the target object has been marked as Destroyed.


global void preventSave()

Prevent changes to this target object being saved.

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