fferpcore.LinkingMessageToObjectMarshaller2global interface LinkingMessageToObjectMarshaller2 extends LinkingMessageToObjectMarshaller This class extends fferpcore.LinkingMessageToObjectMarshaller Methods
getAdditionalSelectionsSet<String> getAdditionalSelections() This method returns the set of additional field selections needed by the applyMessages code. This method must be implemented by a class which implements LinkingMessageToObjectMarshaller2. Return ValueReturns a set of strings objects. applyMessagesvoid applyMessages(List<fferpcore.ApplyMessagesToObjectRequest> requests) Attempts to apply the given messages to each object. The objects can be new or existing depending on correlation ID. Only responds to the messages if there is an error. Use preventSave() to prevent a save attempt. The system will respond. onFailedMessagesvoid onFailedMessages(Set<String> requestKeys) This method is executed after the new or updated records are committed to the database, but before afterApply(). This allows the marshaller to revert work corresponding to failed messages. Input Parameters
afterApplyvoid afterApply() This method is executed after the new or updated records are committed to the database. It can be used to commit additional records that have lookups to the primary records. |