fferpcore.MessageTypeServiceglobal with sharing class MessageTypeService The service for interacting with Foundations fferpcore.Message Types. Properties
privilegedGetOrCreateglobal static Map<String, fferpcore__MessageType__c> privilegedGetOrCreate(Set<String> developerNames) This class uses a privileged operation to get or create the message types. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a map of String, MessageType__c objects. Sample Code
privilegedUpdateArchiveCutoffsglobal static void privilegedUpdateArchiveCutoffs() Update archive cutoff dates on the message types according to retention settings. Sample Code
getMessageTypeTreesglobal static List<fferpcore.MessageTypeTreeNode> getMessageTypeTrees() This method returns the message type trees. There would normally be one, unless new roots have been created specifically by setting the parent to 'null' after insertion. The structure of the tree can be generated by separating parts of the developer name with '.' Return ValueThis service returns a list of MessageTypeTreeNode objects. Sample Code
saveglobal static void save(List<fferpcore.MessageTypeTreeNode> trees) Save changes made through the fferpcore.MessageTypeTreeNode interface. Input Parameters
Sample Code
updateRetentionSettingsglobal static void updateRetentionSettings(Map<String, String> settings) Update retention settings for the given developer names. Input Parameters
Sample Code