fferpcore.LinkingFieldManagerglobal with sharing class LinkingFieldManager implements LinkingFieldManagerAPI fferpcore.LinkingFieldManager maintains the link control fields on SObject instances based on received link control messages. Methods
LinkingFieldManagerglobal LinkingFieldManager(Schema.SObjectType sourceObject) Creates an instance of the fferpcore.LinkingFieldManager to manage fields on the given SObject type. Input Parameters
manageLinkingFieldsglobal fferpcore.LinkingFieldManager.LinkingFieldManagerResult manageLinkingFields(SObject record, List<fferpcore.LinkControlBody> linkControlBodies) Update the link control fields on the given record based on the received messages. The messages are assumed to be in order, such that the most recent information is used. Input Parameters
Sample Code
getAdditionalSelectionsglobal Set<String> getAdditionalSelections() Return a list of additional selections that are required when querying records, such that this class has the information required to run. @result This service returns a set of String objects. fferpcore.LinkingFieldManager.LinkingFieldManagerResultglobal inherited sharing class LinkingFieldManagerResult A LinkingFieldManagerResult structure. This class doesn't have any global methods. |