fferpcore.SObjectConsumerglobal inherited sharing class SObjectConsumer Helper class to be used within a fferpcore.VirtualDataObject.Consumer to create or update SObjects. Uses the fferpcore.VirtualDataObjectTargetMapping metadata records to determine what data from the records to write to the target SObjects. Methods
SObjectConsumerglobal SObjectConsumer(SObjectType targetObject, SObjectField correlationField, String consumer) Construct an SObjectConsumer. Input Parameters
withCorrelationKeyglobal fferpcore.SObjectConsumer withCorrelationKey(String correlationKey) Specify the key on the records to use when comparing them to existing SObjects. If this is not specified, the correlation ID is derived from the getId method of each Record. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe same SObjectConsumer instance to allow further method calls. withRequirePermissionsglobal fferpcore.SObjectConsumer withRequirePermissions(Boolean requirePermissions) Specify whether the user must have suitable permissions to read the source records, and write the target records. By default, these permissions are not required. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe same SObjectConsumer instance to allow further method calls. withDryRunglobal fferpcore.SObjectConsumer withDryRun(Boolean dryRun) Prevent the created SObjects being committed to the database. Existing SObjects may be read from the database. Results are available using the getSObjects method. No trigger validation will be run because no database writes are performed Therefore trigger and database level errors will not be detected. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe same SObjectConsumer instance to allow further method calls. prepareglobal void prepare(fferpcore.VirtualDataObject.Provider provider) Prepare the given Provider so any data required by the target mappings is available. Input Parameters
consumeglobal void consume(fferpcore.VirtualDataObject.RecordList recordList) Process the given RecordList to create or update the target SObjects. Input Parameters
getOutputRecordsByInputIdglobal Map<String, fferpcore.VirtualDataObject.SObjectRecord> getOutputRecordsByInputId() |