fferpcore.PluggableTriggerglobal inherited sharing class PluggableTrigger extends fflib_SObjectDomain A domain class for an Apex trigger which executes any pluggable triggers (classes implementing PluggableTriggerApi.Plugin). It is intended to be instantiated from an Apex trigger with the methods invoked according to the trigger operation, for example, onBeforeInsert() when Trigger.OperationType equals BEFORE_INSERT. Sample Code
PluggableTriggerglobal PluggableTrigger(List<SObject> sObjectList, List<fferpcore.PluggableTriggerApi.Plugin> plugins) Construct this domain class. Input Parameters
onBeforeInsertglobal override void onBeforeInsert() Invokes onBeforeInsert() on each pluggable trigger. runTriggerHandlerglobal static void runTriggerHandler() Invokes the triggerHandler for the pluggable trigger. This method is directly callable. onBeforeUpdateglobal override void onBeforeUpdate(Map<Id, SObject> existingRecords) Invokes onBeforeUpdate() on each pluggable trigger. Input Parameters
onBeforeDeleteglobal override void onBeforeDelete() Invokes onBeforeDelete() on each pluggable trigger. onAfterInsertglobal override void onAfterInsert() Invokes onAfterInsert() on each pluggable trigger. onAfterUpdateglobal override void onAfterUpdate(Map<Id, SObject> existingRecords) Invokes onAfterUpdate() on each pluggable trigger. Input Parameters
onAfterDeleteglobal override void onAfterDelete() Invokes onAfterDelete() on each pluggable trigger. onAfterUndeleteglobal override void onAfterUndelete() Invokes onAfterUndelete() on each pluggable trigger. fferpcore.PluggableTrigger.Constructorglobal inherited sharing class Constructor implements fflib_SObjectDomain.IConstructable Responsible for finding and constructing any pluggable triggers. MethodsConstructorglobal Constructor() constructglobal fferpcore.PluggableTrigger construct(List<SObject> objects) Constructs the pluggable triggers. Input Parameters