Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class TaxCalculationResponseMapContext extends Context implements ObjectIO.DeserializableObject

This class represents the source context of the tax calculation response.



global TaxCalculationResponseMapContext()


global fferpcore.TaxCalculationResponseMapContext withAvailableSource(String key, String description, fferpcore.DataType dataType)

Create a fferpcore.TaxCalculationResponseMapContext by passing in the field name, label, and data type.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
key String The name of the field in the response.
description String The label of the field in the mapping UI.
dataType fferpcore.DataType The data type of the field.


global fferpcore.TaxCalculationResponseMapContext withAvailableSource(fferpcore.Context.Source source)

Create a fferpcore.TaxCalculationResponseMapContext by passing in an existing Context.Source.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
source fferpcore.Context.Source The context source.


global override Type getClass()

This method returns the class type of the associated context.

Return Value

This method returns a Type object.


global override String getInitMemento()

This method returns a string that describes the sObject with which the context is associated.

Return Value

This method returns a String object.


global override void initialise(String memento)

This method restores the state of the context ready for use.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
memento String A memento previously returned by the getInitMemento() method.


global override fferpcore.Context.DisplayDescription getDisplayDescription()

This method returns information about the source to display.

Return Value

This methods returns a Context.DisplayDescription that contains information about the source to display to the user.


global override List<fferpcore.Context.Source> getPotentialChildren()

This method returns a complete list of the fields on this particular sObject. Fields on related objects are not included. Each field is described as a fferpcore.Context.Source in the returned list.

Return Value

This method returns a list of Context.Source that represent the potential children for this context.


global override fferpcore.Context.Source getSource(String key)

This method looks up a source by its key.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
key String The name of the field that you want to find.

Return Value

This method returns a Context.Source object.

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