fferpcore.SubscriptionDescriptionServiceglobal with sharing class SubscriptionDescriptionService A fferpcore.SubscriptionDescriptionService structure. Methods
getDescriptionglobal static fferpcore.SubscriptionDescriptionService.GetDescriptionResult getDescription(Id subscriptionId) Returns an GetDescriptionResult containing the description of the subscription identified by the Id parameter. The description includes the standard and custom mappings of the subscription. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns an SubscriptionDescriptionService.GetDescriptionResult object. Sample Code
getDescriptionglobal static fferpcore.SubscriptionDescriptionService.GetDescriptionResult getDescription(String productDeveloper, String messageType) Returns an GetDescriptionResult containing description of the subscription identified by the productDeveloper and messageTypes parameters. The description includes the standard and custom mappings of the subscription. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns an SubscriptionDescriptionService.GetDescriptionResult object. Sample Code
fferpcore.SubscriptionDescriptionService.GetDescriptionResultglobal inherited sharing class GetDescriptionResult A GetDescriptionResult structure. Methods
GetDescriptionResultglobal GetDescriptionResult(fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription description) Constructs an fferpcore.SubscriptionDescriptionService.GetDescriptionResult containing the specified SubscriptionDescription. Input Parameters
Sample Code
GetDescriptionResultglobal GetDescriptionResult(String error) Constructs an fferpcore.SubscriptionDescriptionService.GetDescriptionResult containing the specified error text. It can be used to indicate there was an error creating the description of a subscription. Input Parameters
Sample Code
getDescriptionglobal fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription getDescription() Returns an fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription containing the standard and custom mappings of the subscription. If there has been an error generating the description then null is returned. Return ValueThis service returns an SubscriptionDescription object. Sample Code
getErrorglobal String getError() Returns a string containing a description of any errors encountered when creating the GetDescriptionResult. If there was no error then null is returned. Return ValueThis service returns a String object. Sample Code
getDescriptionNotNullglobal fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription getDescriptionNotNull() Returns an GetDescriptionResult containing a description of the subscription identified by the productDeveloper and messageTypes parameters. The description includes the standard and custom mappings of the subscription. If there has been an error generating the description then an fferpcore.Exceptions.MessagingException is thrown. Return ValueThis service returns a SubscriptionDescription object. Sample Code