Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global interface ihcc_IEmailNotification extends ihcc_IBusinessLogic

Interface that Integration business logic classes must implement if they want to use Email notifications

This class extends fferpcore.ihcc_IBusinessLogic



List<String> getEmailAddresses(fferpcore.ihcc_EmailAddressType emailAddressType, String notificationClassification, String originatingUserId)

Method in the business logic called to retrieve a list of email addresses from a correlation ID. Called as part of notification to allow the integration to supply the correct email addresses for a correlation ID. Where possible this should be the email address of a PSA resource correlated to this ID or a default email address for the integration. Could optionally include an admin address.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
emailAddressType fferpcore.ihcc_EmailAddressType The type of address being requested
notificationClassification String The classification of the notification set by the integration when requesting the notification
originatingUserId String The user ID set by the integration when requesting the notification


EmailTemplate getEmailTemplate(String notificationClassification)

Method in the business logic called to retrieve the email template for a specific notification classification.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
notificationClassification String The classification of the notification set by the integration when requesting the notification


String getReplyToAddress(String notificationClassification)

Method in the business logic called to retreive the email address replies for a specific notification classification should go to. Integrations can return null to not set this.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
notificationClassification String The classification of the notification set by the integration when requesting the notification


String getSenderDisplayName(String notificationClassification)

Method in the business logic called to retreive the display name for the sender for a specific notification classification should go to. Integrations can return null to not set this.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
notificationClassification String The classification of the notification set by the integration when requesting the notification
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