Customer Success Cloud Input Fields

Input fields are the foundation of the Customer Success Cloud dataset. These fields are extracted from your org by the CS Cloud Core Analytics recipe when you create the CS Cloud Core Analytics app. The data is then processed to populate your app's dataset.

Base Objects

The CS Cloud Core Analytics recipe combines the data from several Customer Success Cloud objects to extract field information.

The following Customer Success Cloud objects are imported directly:

  • CS Cloud Resource
  • Objective
  • Playbook
  • Playbook Task
  • Source
  • Success Plan
  • Team

The recipe also imports the Salesforce Account object.

Account Object

These are the fields retrieved from the Account object:

Fields Retrieved from the Account Object

Field Label

Field API Name Description
Account Name Name

Joins the playbook and success plan records to the account record.

Also populates the Playbook Account ID, Playbook Account Name, Success Plan Account ID, and Success Plan Name in the resulting dataset.

Record ID Id Joins the playbook record to the account record.

Customer Success Cloud Resource Object

These are the fields retrieved from the CS Cloud Resource object:

Fields Retrieved from the CS Cloud Resource Object

Field Label

Field API Name Description
Record ID Id

Joins the playbook, objective, and success plan records to the CS Cloud resource record.

Resource Name Name Populates the playbook, objective, and success plan owner name fields in the resulting dataset.

Objective Object

These are the fields retrieved from the Objective object:

Fields Retrieved from the Objective Object

Field Label

Field API Name Description
Category csc__Category__c

Populates the Objective Category field in the resulting dataset.

End Date csc__End_Date__c

Populates the Objective End Date field in the resulting dataset.

Objective Name Name

Populates the Objective Name field in the resulting dataset.

Objective Owner csc__Objective_Owner__c

Joins the objective record to the CS Cloud resource record.

Also populates the Objective Owner ID field in the resulting dataset.

Objective Type csc__Objective_Type__c

Populates the Objective Type field in the resulting dataset.

Priority csc__Priority__c Populates the Objective Priority field in the resulting dataset.
Record ID Id Populates the Objective ID field in the resulting dataset.
Start Date csc__Start_Date__c

Populates the Objective Start Date field in the resulting dataset.

Status csc__Status__c Populates the Objective Status field in the resulting dataset.
Success Plan csc__Success_Plan__c Joins the success plan record to the objective record.
Template csc__Is_Template__c Populates the Objective Is Template field in the resulting dataset.

Playbook Object

These are the fields retrieved from the Playbook object:

Fields Retrieved from the Playbook Object

Field Label

Field API Name Description
Account csc__Account__c

Joins the playbook record to the account record.

Also populates the Account ID field in the resulting dataset.

Active csc__Is_Active__c Populates the Playbook Is Active field in the resulting dataset.
Duration (Days) csc__Duration_Days__c

Populates the Playbook Duration (Days) field in the resulting dataset.

End Date csc__End_Date__c

Populates the Playbook End Date field in the resulting dataset.

Objective csc__Objective__c Joins the playbook record to the objective record.
Parent Success Plan csc__Parent_Success_Plan__c Joins the playbook record to the success plan record. Also populates the Parent Success Plan ID field in the resulting dataset.
Playbook Name Name These fields are extracted directly from your Customer Success Cloud environment and are available in the resulting dataset. For more information, see Playbook Fields.
Playbook Owner csc__Playbook_Owner__c

Joins the playbook record to the CS Cloud resource record.

Also populates the Playbook Owner ID field in the resulting dataset.

Playbook Status csc__Playbook_Status__c These fields are extracted directly from your Customer Success Cloud environment and are available in the resulting dataset. For more information see Playbook Fields.
Record ID Id Populates the Playbook ID field in the resulting dataset.
Stage csc__Stage__c Populates the Playbook Stage field in the resulting dataset.
Start Date csc__Start_Date__c

Populates the Playbook Start Date field in the resulting dataset.

Team csc__Team__c Joins the playbook record to the team record.
Template csc__Is_Template__c Populates the Playbook Is Template field in the resulting dataset.

Playbook Task Object

These are the fields retrieved from the Playbook Task object:

Fields Retrieved from the Playbook Task Object

Field Label

Field API Name Description
Completed csc__Completed__c Populates the Playbook Task Is Completed field in the resulting dataset.
Duration (Days) csc__Duration_Days__c Populates the Playbook Task Duration Days field in the resulting dataset.
End Date csc__End_Date__c

Populates the Playbook Task End Date field in the resulting dataset.

Flagged csc__Flagged__c Populates the Playbook Task Is Flagged field in the resulting dataset.
Hours csc__Task_Hours__c Populates the Playbook Task Hours field in the resulting dataset.
Parent Success Plan csc__Parent_Success_Plan__c Joins the playbook task record to the success plan record. Also populates the Parent Success Plan ID field in the resulting dataset.
Playbook csc__Playbook__c

Joins the playbook task record to the playbook record.

Playbook Task Name Name These fields are extracted directly from your Customer Success Cloud environment and are available in the resulting dataset. For more information, see Playbook Task Fields
Record ID Id

Populates the Playbook Task ID field in the resulting dataset.

Resource Role csc__Resource_Role__c Populates the Playbook Task Resource Role field in the resulting dataset.
Start Date csc__Start_Date__c

Populates the Playbook Task Start Date field in the resulting dataset.

Status csc__Status__c Populates the Playbook Task Status field in the resulting dataset.

Source Object

These are the fields retrieved from the Source object:

Fields Retrieved from the Source Object

Field Label

Field API Name Description
Objective csc__Objective__c Joins the objective record to the source objective record.
Objective Source csc__Objective_Source__c Populates the Source Objective ID field in the resulting dataset.
Playbook csc__Playbook__c Joins the playbook record to the source playbook record.
Playbook Source csc__Playbook_Source__c

Populates the Source Template ID field in the resulting dataset.

Success Plan csc__Success_Plan__c Joins the success plan record to the source success plan record.
Success Plan Source csc__Success_Plan_Source__c Populates the Source Success Plan Template ID field in the resulting dataset.

Success Plan Object

These are the fields retrieved from the Success Plan object:

Fields Retrieved from the Success Plan Object

Field Label

Field API Name Description
Account csc__Account__c

Joins the success plan record to the account record. Also populates the Account ID field in the resulting dataset.

Annual Revenue csc__Annual_Revenue__c Populates the Success Plan Annual Revenue field in the resulting dataset.
Effective Date csc__Effective_Date__c Populates the Success Plan Effective Date field in the resulting dataset.
Last Business Review csc_Last_Business_Review__c Populates the Success Plan Last Business Review field in the resulting dataset.
Next Business Review csc__Next_Business_Review__c Populates the Success Plan Next Business Review field in the resulting dataset.
Record ID Id

Populates the Success Plan ID field in the resulting dataset.

Status csc__Status__c Populates the Success Plan Status field in the resulting dataset.
Success Plan Name Name These fields are extracted directly from your Customer Success Cloud environment and are available in the resulting dataset. For more information see Success Plan Fields.
Success Plan Owner csc__Success_Plan_Owner__c

Joins the success plan record to the CS Cloud resource record.

Also populates the Success Plan Owner ID field in the resulting dataset.

Template csc__Is_Template__c Populates the Success Plan Is Template field in the resulting dataset.

Team Object

These are the fields retrieved from the Team object:

Fields Retrieved from the Team Object

Field Label

Field API Name Description
Record ID Id Joins the playbook record to the team record.
Team Name Name

These fields are extracted directly from your Customer Success Cloud environment and are available in the resulting dataset. For more information see Team Fields.