Customer Success Cloud Output Fields

The Customer Success Cloud dataset includes fields derived from the following objects:

  • CS Cloud Resource
  • Objective
  • Playbook
  • Playbook Task
  • Source
  • Success Plan
  • Team

The recipe also imports the Salesforce Account object.

The following table describes the fields available in the Customer Success Cloud dataset, grouped by their type within Analytics.

Customer Success Cloud Fields

Customer Success Cloud Output Fields

Field Type

Field Label Field API Name Description
Measure Playbook Duration (Days) ValuePlaybookDurationDays Duration of the playbook in days.
Playbook Task Duration (Days) ValuePlaybookTaskDurationDays Duration of the playbook task in days.
Playbook Task Hours PlaybookTaskHours The number of working hours required to complete the task.
Success Plan Annual Revenue SuccessPlanAnnualRevenue The annual revenue for the account that relates to the success plan.
Dimension Objective Category ObjectiveCategory The category the objective is grouped by. Expressed as “Land”, “Adopt”, “Expand”, or “Renew”.
Objective ID ObjectiveId Salesforce record ID of the objective.
Objective Is Template ObjectiveIsTemplate Indicates whether the objective is a template.
Objective Name ObjectiveName Name of the objective.
Objective Owner ID ObjectiveOwnerId Salesforce record ID of the objective owner.
Objective Owner Name ObjectiveOwnerName Name of the objective owner.
Objective Priority ObjectivePriority Indicates the priority of an objective. Expressed as “High”, “Medium”, or “Low”.
Objective Status ObjectiveStatus Indicates the status of an objective. Expressed as “Draft”, “Active”, “Blocked”, “Completed”, or “Archived”.
Objective Type ObjectiveType Indicates the type of an objective. Expressed as “Internal” or “Customer”.
Parent Success Plan ID ParentSuccessPlanId Salesforce record ID of the success plan associated with the playbook, objective, or playbook task.
Playbook Account ID PlaybookAccountId Salesforce record ID of the account associated with the playbook.
Playbook Account Name PlaybookAccountName Name of the account associated with the playbook.
Playbook ID PlaybookId Salesforce record ID of the playbook.
Playbook Is Template PlaybookIsTemplate Indicates whether the playbook is a template.
Playbook Name PlaybookName Name of the playbook.
Playbook Owner ID PlaybookOwnerId Salesforce record ID of the playbook owner.
Playbook Owner Name PlaybookOwnerName Name of the playbook owner.
Playbook Stage PlaybookStage Indicates the current stage of a playbook. Expressed as “Planned”, “In Progress”, “On Hold”, “Completed”, or “Canceled”.
Playbook Status PlaybookStatus Indicates the status of a playbook. Expressed as “Green”, “Yellow”, or “Red”.
Playbook Task Is Completed PlaybookTaskIsCompleted Indicates whether the playbook task is complete.
Playbook Task ID PlaybookTaskId Salesforce record ID of the playbook task.
Playbook Task Is Flagged PlaybookTaskIsFlagged Indicates whether the playbook task is flagged and requires attention.
Playbook Task Name PlaybookTaskName Name of the playbook task.
Playbook Task Resource Role PlaybookTaskResourceRole The resource role associated with the task.
Playbook Task Status PlaybookTaskStatus Indicates the status of a playbook task. Expressed as “Draft”, “Planned”, “Started”, “Blocked”, “Complete”, or “Deferred”.
Source Objective ID SourceObjectiveId Salesforce record ID of the template objective used to create the objective.
Source Objective Is Template SourceObjectiveIsTemplate Indicates whether the source objective is a template.
Source Objective Name SourceObjectiveName The name of the template playbook used to create the objective.
Source Playbook ID SourcePlaybookId Salesforce record ID of the template playbook used to create the playbook.
Source Playbook Is Template SourcePlaybookIsTemplate Indicates whether the source playbook is a template.
Source Playbook Name SourcePlaybookName The name of the template playbook used to create the playbook.
Source Success Plan ID SourceSuccessPlanId Salesforce record ID of the template success plan used to create the success plan.
Source Success Plan Is Template SourceSuccessPlanIsTemplate Indicates whether the source success plan is a template.
Source Success Plan Name SourceSuccessPlanName The name of the template success plan used to create the success plan.
Success Plan Account ID SuccessPlanAccountId Salesforce record ID of the account associated with the success plan.
Success Plan Account Name SuccessPlanAccountName Name of the account associated with the success plan.
Success Plan ID SuccessPlanId Salesforce record ID of the success plan.
Success Plan Is Template SuccessPlanIsTemplate Indicates whether the success plan is a template.
Success Plan Name SuccessPlanName Name of the success plan associated with the playbook, objective, or playbook task.
Success Plan Owner ID SuccessPlanOwnerId Salesforce record ID of the success plan owner.
Success Plan Owner Name SuccessPlanOwnerName Name of the success plan owner.
Success Plan Status SuccessPlanStatus Indicates the status of a success plan. Expressed as “Draft”, “Active”, “Blocked”, “Completed”, or “Archived”.
Team ID TeamId Salesforce record ID of the team.
Team Name TeamName Name of the team.
Date Objective End Date ObjectiveEndDate End date of the objective.
Objective Start Date ObjectiveStartDate Start date of the objective.
Playbook End Date PlaybookEndDate End date of the playbook.
Playbook Start Date PlaybookStartDate Start date of the playbook.
Playbook Task End Date PlaybookTaskEndDate End date of the playbook task.
Playbook Task Start Date PlaybookTaskStartDate Start date of the playbook task.
Success Plan Effective Date SuccessPlanEffectiveDate The date the success plan is effective from.
Success Plan Last Business Review SuccessPlanLastBusinessReview Date of the last business review for the account that relates to the success plan.
Success Plan Next Business Review SuccessPlanNextBusinessReview Date of the next business review for the account that relates to the success plan.

Default Fields

Where no value is available for the following fields, "N/A" is displayed in the lenses or dashboards in which they occur:

  • Objective Category
  • Objective ID
  • Objective Is Template
  • Objective Name
  • Objective Owner ID
  • Objective Owner Name
  • Objective Priority
  • Objective Status
  • Objective Type
  • Parent Success Plan ID
  • Playbook Account ID
  • Playbook Account Name
  • Playbook ID
  • Playbook Is Active
  • Playbook Is Template
  • Playbook Name
  • Playbook Owner ID
  • Playbook Owner Name
  • Playbook Stage
  • Playbook Status
  • Playbook Task ID
  • Playbook Task is Flagged
  • Playbook Task Name
  • Playbook Task Status
  • Source Objective ID
  • Source Objective Is Template
  • Source Objective Name
  • Source Playbook ID
  • Source Playbook Is Template
  • Source Playbook Name
  • Source Success Plan ID
  • Source Success Plan Is Template
  • Source Success Plan Name
  • Success Plan Account ID
  • Success Plan Account Name
  • Success Plan ID
  • Success Plan Is Template
  • Success Plan Name
  • Success Plan Owner ID
  • Success Plan Owner Name
  • Success Plan Status
  • Team ID
  • Team Name

When no value is available for the Start Date and End Date fields, the default value is set to "January 01, 1990".