API_Resource_Correlation_Id__c |
API Resource Correlation ID |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Text(255) |
false |
Action_Calculate_Utilization__c |
Action: Calculate Utilization |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
true |
Action_Update_Current_Time_Period__c |
Action: Update Current Time Period |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
true |
Actuals_Last_Update_Date__c |
Actuals: Last Update Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
DateTime |
false |
Actuals_Last_Updated_By__c |
Actuals: Last Updated By |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: User
Lookup |
false |
Allow_Timecards_Without_Assignment__c |
Allow Timecards Without Assignment |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Check this if resource should be treated as 'Global' Resources. 'Global' Resources can enter time for any Project, even if that Project normally requires Assignments for Time Entry.
Checkbox |
false |
Billable_External_Hours__c |
Billable Hours (External) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Billable_Internal_Hours__c |
Billable Hours (Internal) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Billed__c |
Billed |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Billings__c |
Billings |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Bookings__c |
Bookings |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Credited_Non_Billable_Internal_Hours__c |
Credited Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Current_Time_Period_End_Date__c |
Current Time Period End Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Date |
false |
Current_Time_Period__c |
Current Time Period |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Time_Period__c
Lookup |
false |
Daily_Default_Cost_Rate__c |
Default Cost Rate is Daily Rate |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Default_Cost_Rate__c |
Default Cost Rate |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
ERP_Worker_Correlation_Id__c |
Foundations Worker Correlation |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
This records the worker correlation key used within the Foundations system.
Text(255) |
false |
Employment_Status_Effective_Date__c |
Employment Status Effective Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Date |
false |
Employment_Status__c |
Employment Status |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Picklist: Active Terminated |
false |
Exclude_From_Missing_Timecards__c |
Exclude From Missing Timecards |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Whether to exclude this resource from missing timecard reports
Checkbox |
false |
Exclude_From_Time_Calculations__c |
Exclude from Time Calculations |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Exclude_From_Time_Variance__c |
Exclude From Time Variance Calculations |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If true, the resource is excluded from Time Variance calculations.
Checkbox |
false |
Exclude_from_Resource_Planner__c |
Exclude from Planners |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If selected, the resource record is excluded from Resource Planner and Work Planners.
Checkbox |
false |
Excluded_Hours__c |
Excluded Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Expense_Budget__c |
Expense Budget |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Expense_Costs__c |
Expense Costs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
External_Costs__c |
External Costs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
External_Resource__c |
External Resource |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Group__c |
Group |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Grp__c
Lookup |
false |
Hist_Sch_Utilization_Billable_Hours__c |
Hist Sch Utilization Billable Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The historical scheduled utilization billable hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Hist_Sch_Utilization_Credited_Hours__c |
Hist Sch Utilization Credited Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The historical scheduled utilization credited hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Hist_Sch_Utilization_Excluded_Hours__c |
Hist Sch Utilization Excluded Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The historical scheduled utilization excluded hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Hist_Sch_Utilization_Held_Hours__c |
Hist Sch Utilization Held Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
Hist_Sch_Utilization_Non_Billable_Hrs__c |
Hist Sch Utilization Non Billable Hrs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The historical scheduled utilization non-billable hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Historical_Utilization_Billable_Hours__c |
Historical Utilization Billable Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The historical utilization billable hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Historical_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c |
Historical Utilization Calendar Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The historical utilization calendar hours for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Historical_Utilization_Credited_Hours__c |
Historical Utilization Credited Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The historical utilization credited hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Historical_Utilization_Excluded_Hours__c |
Historical Utilization Excluded Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The historical utilization excluded hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Historical_Utilization_Non_Billable_Hrs__c |
Historical Utilization Non Billable Hrs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The historical utilization non-billable hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Historical_Utilization_Target_Attainment__c |
Historical Utilization Target Attainment |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: IF(Historical_Utilization_Target__c = 0, IF(Historical_Utilization__c <= 0,0,1), Historical_Utilization__c / Historical_Utilization_Target__c )
Percent(18,2) |
false |
Historical_Utilization_Target_Hours__c |
Historical Utilization Target Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
Historical_Utilization_Target__c |
Historical Utilization Target |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: IF(Historical_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c = 0, 0, Historical_Utilization_Target_Hours__c / Historical_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c )
Percent(18,2) |
false |
Historical_Utilization__c |
Historical Utilization |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The historical utilization percentage for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Percent(10,2) |
false |
Internal_Budget__c |
Internal Budget |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Internal_Costs__c |
Internal Costs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Invoiced__c |
Invoiced |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Is_Resource_Active__c |
Is Resource Active |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Is_Resource__c |
Is Resource |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Jira_Correlation_Username__c |
Jira Correlation ID |
Fall 2019 |
Unique ID of the related user in Jira. Used for synchronization.
Text(255) |
false |
Last_Date__c |
Last Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
A Resource's last day of employment.
Date |
false |
Latitude_PSA__c |
Latitude (PSA) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(10,8) |
false |
Longitude_PSA__c |
Longitude (PSA) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(11,8) |
false |
Margin__c |
Margin |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: Billings__c + Pass_Through_Billings__c - Internal_Costs__c - External_Costs__c - Expense_Costs__c - Other_Costs__c
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Non_Billable_External_Hours__c |
Non-Billable Hours (External) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Non_Billable_Internal_Hours__c |
Non-Billable Hours (Internal) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Other_Costs__c |
Other Costs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Pass_Through_Billings__c |
Pass-Through Billings |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Practice__c |
Practice |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Practice__c
Lookup |
false |
Pre_Billed__c |
Pre-Billed |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Region__c |
Region |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Region__c
Lookup |
false |
Resource_Role__c |
Resource Role |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Picklist: Architect Business Analyst Client Manager Consultant Contractor Executive Project Manager Senior Consultant Trainer |
Revenue__c |
Revenue |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Salesforce_User__c |
Salesforce User |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: User
Lookup |
false |
Scheduled_Utilization_Billable_Hours__c |
Scheduled Utilization Billable Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The scheduled utilization billable hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Scheduled_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c |
Scheduled Utilization Calendar Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The scheduled utilization calendar hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Scheduled_Utilization_Credited_Hours__c |
Scheduled Utilization Credited Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The scheduled utilization credited hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Scheduled_Utilization_Excluded_Hours__c |
Scheduled Utilization Excluded Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The scheduled utilization excluded hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Scheduled_Utilization_Held_Hours__c |
Scheduled Utilization Held Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
Scheduled_Utilization_Non_Billable_Hrs__c |
Scheduled Utilization Non Billable Hrs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The scheduled utilization non-billable hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Scheduled_Utilization_Target_Attainment__c |
Scheduled Utilization Target Attainment |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: IF(Scheduled_Utilization_Target__c = 0, IF(Scheduled_Utilization__c <= 0,0,1), Scheduled_Utilization__c / Scheduled_Utilization_Target__c )
Percent(18,2) |
false |
Scheduled_Utilization_Target_Hours__c |
Scheduled Utilization Target Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
Scheduled_Utilization_Target__c |
Scheduled Utilization Target |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: IF(Scheduled_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c = 0, 0, Scheduled_Utilization_Target_Hours__c / Scheduled_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c )
Percent(18,2) |
false |
Scheduled_Utilization__c |
Scheduled Utilization |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The scheduled utilization percentage for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Percent(10,2) |
false |
Send_to_Third_Party_Expenses_Application__c |
Send to Third-Party Expenses Application |
Spring 2019 |
Controls whether or not the resource is sent to a third-party expenses application.
Formula: AND(Is_Resource__c , Is_Resource_Active__c)
Checkbox |
Start_Date__c |
Start Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
A Resource's first date of employment.
Date |
false |
Sync_with_Jira__c |
Sync with Jira |
Fall 2019 |
Controls whether the resource is synchronized with Jira.
Checkbox |
false |
Total_Costs__c |
Total Costs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: Internal_Costs__c + External_Costs__c + Expense_Costs__c + Other_Costs__c
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Total_Time_Period_Hours__c |
Total Time Period Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
[DEPRECATED, no longer used]
Number(18,2) |
false |
Total_Utilization__c |
Utilization |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The overall (historical + scheduled) utilization percentage for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.
Percent(10,2) |
false |
Utilization_Calculation_Date__c |
Utilization: Last Calculation Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Date |
false |
Utilization_Last_Update_Date__c |
Utilization: Last Update Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
DateTime |
false |
Utilization_Last_Updated_By__c |
Utilization: Last Updated By |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: User
Lookup |
false |
Utilization_Target_Attainment__c |
Utilization Target Attainment |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: IF(Utilization_Target_Average__c = 0, IF(Total_Utilization__c <= 0,0,1), Total_Utilization__c / Utilization_Target_Average__c )
Percent(18,2) |
false |
Utilization_Target_Average__c |
Utilization Target Average |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: IF(Historical_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c + Scheduled_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c = 0, 0, Utilization_Target_Hours__c / ( Historical_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c + Scheduled_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c ) )
Percent(18,2) |
false |
Utilization_Target_Hours__c |
Utilization Target Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
Utilization_Target__c |
Utilization Target |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
A target percentage of utilization for this resource. For example, a target of 50% for an 8 hour per day work calendar, results in a 4 hour per day target that the resource should be utilized for.
Percent(5,2) |
false |
Work_Calendar__c |
Work Calendar |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Work_Calendar__c
Lookup |
false |