Professional Services Automation Data Dictionary


Label: Billing Forecast Summary Category

Stores the weighted category totals for the related region, practice, or group.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
Adjusted_Value__c Adjusted Value Spring 2019 Formula field representing the value displayed on the Billing Forecast page for this billing forecast summary category.

Currency(18,2) false
Category_Label__c Category Label Summer 2018 Lookup to the relevant billing forecast setup category label, for example, Expected.

Text false
Forecast_Enhanced_Override__c Billing Forecast Override Spring 2019 Lookup to the currently active billing forecast override applied to this billing forecast summary category.

Looks up to: Forecast_Enhanced_Override__c
Lookup false
Forecast_Enhanced_Summary__c Billing Forecast Summary Summer 2018 Lookup to the relevant billing forecast summary record.

Looks up to: Forecast_Enhanced_Summary__c
Forecast_Opportunities_Value__c Billing Forecast Opportunities Value Summer 2018 Total weighted opportunity amounts taken from the related billing forecast detail records for the selected time period in the relevant region, practice, or group.

Currency(18,2) false
Forecast_Projects_Value__c Billing Forecast Projects Value Summer 2018 Total weighted project amounts taken from the related billing forecast detail records for the selected time period in the relevant region, practice, or group.

Currency(18,2) false
Forecast_Setup_Category__c Billing Forecast Setup Category Summer 2018 Lookup to the billing forecast categories used on the Billing Forecast Setup page.

Looks up to: Forecast_Setup_Category__c
Lookup false
Forecast_Sublevels_Value__c Billing Forecast Sublevels Value Summer 2018 Total weighted sublevel amounts taken from the related billing forecast summary records for the selected time period for the child regions, practices, or groups.

Currency(18,2) false
Forecast_Value__c Billing Forecast Total Value Summer 2018 Total weighted amounts calculated for this billing forecast category, based on the billing forecast opportunities, project, and sublevels values in the related billing forecast detail records.

Currency(18,2) false
Override_CreatedBy__c Override Created By Spring 2019 Lookup to the user who created the currently active billing forecast override applied to this billing forecast summary category.

Looks up to: User

Lookup false
Override_CreatedDate__c Override Created Date Spring 2019 Created date and time of the currently active billing forecast override applied to this billing forecast summary category.

DateTime false
Override_Notes__c Override Notes Spring 2019 Notes on the currently active billing forecast override applied to this billing forecast summary category.

Text false
Override_Rollup_Variance__c Override Roll-Up Variance Spring 2019 Sum of roll-up variances for all summary categories below this summary category in the RPG hierarchy, including overrides on related billing forecast detail categories.

Currency(18,2) false
Override_Value__c Override Value Spring 2019 Value of the currently active billing forecast override applied to this billing forecast summary category.

Currency(18,2) false

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