Adjusted_Value__c |
Adjusted Value |
Spring 2019 |
Formula field representing the value displayed on the Billing Forecast page for this billing forecast summary category.
Formula: IF(NOT(ISNULL(Override_Value__c)),Override_Value__c,IF(NOT(ISNULL(Override_Rollup_Variance__c)),Override_Rollup_Variance__c+Forecast_Value__c,Forecast_Value__c))
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Category_Label__c |
Category Label |
Summer 2018 |
Lookup to the relevant billing forecast setup category label, for example, Expected.
Formula: Forecast_Setup_Category__r.Label__c
Text |
false |
Forecast_Enhanced_Override__c |
Billing Forecast Override |
Spring 2019 |
Lookup to the currently active billing forecast override applied to this billing forecast summary category.
Looks up to: Forecast_Enhanced_Override__c
Lookup |
false |
Forecast_Enhanced_Summary__c |
Billing Forecast Summary |
Summer 2018 |
Lookup to the relevant billing forecast summary record.
Looks up to: Forecast_Enhanced_Summary__c
MasterDetail |
Forecast_Opportunities_Value__c |
Billing Forecast Opportunities Value |
Summer 2018 |
Total weighted opportunity amounts taken from the related billing forecast detail records for the selected time period in the relevant region, practice, or group.
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Forecast_Projects_Value__c |
Billing Forecast Projects Value |
Summer 2018 |
Total weighted project amounts taken from the related billing forecast detail records for the selected time period in the relevant region, practice, or group.
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Forecast_Setup_Category__c |
Billing Forecast Setup Category |
Summer 2018 |
Lookup to the billing forecast categories used on the Billing Forecast Setup page.
Looks up to: Forecast_Setup_Category__c
Lookup |
false |
Forecast_Sublevels_Value__c |
Billing Forecast Sublevels Value |
Summer 2018 |
Total weighted sublevel amounts taken from the related billing forecast summary records for the selected time period for the child regions, practices, or groups.
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Forecast_Value__c |
Billing Forecast Total Value |
Summer 2018 |
Total weighted amounts calculated for this billing forecast category, based on the billing forecast opportunities, project, and sublevels values in the related billing forecast detail records.
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Override_CreatedBy__c |
Override Created By |
Spring 2019 |
Lookup to the user who created the currently active billing forecast override applied to this billing forecast summary category.
Looks up to: User
Lookup |
false |
Override_CreatedDate__c |
Override Created Date |
Spring 2019 |
Created date and time of the currently active billing forecast override applied to this billing forecast summary category.
Formula: Forecast_Enhanced_Override__r.CreatedDate
DateTime |
false |
Override_Notes__c |
Override Notes |
Spring 2019 |
Notes on the currently active billing forecast override applied to this billing forecast summary category.
Formula: Forecast_Enhanced_Override__r.Notes__c
Text |
false |
Override_Rollup_Variance__c |
Override Roll-Up Variance |
Spring 2019 |
Sum of roll-up variances for all summary categories below this summary category in the RPG hierarchy, including overrides on related billing forecast detail categories.
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Override_Value__c |
Override Value |
Spring 2019 |
Value of the currently active billing forecast override applied to this billing forecast summary category.
Formula: Forecast_Enhanced_Override__r.Override_Value__c
Currency(18,2) |
false |