API_Time_Period__c |
API Time Period |
Summer 2022 |
A combination of Base Project Id and Time Period which uniquely identifies the project to add the Absence Request to.
Text(255) |
false |
Account__c |
Account |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Account
Lookup |
false |
Action_Count_Billing_Eligible_Records__c |
Action: Count Billing Eligible Records |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Saving the Project with this checkbox checked updates the fields that track Billing Eligible Business Records (TC Splits, Expenses, Milestones, Misc Adjustments, Budgets) for this Project and also auto-unchecks this Action checkbox.
Checkbox |
false |
Action_Update_Current_Time_Period__c |
Action: Update Current Time Period |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
true |
Actuals_Last_Recalc_Date__c |
Actuals: Last Recalc Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
DateTime |
false |
Actuals_Last_Update_Date__c |
Actuals: Last Update Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
DateTime |
false |
Actuals_Last_Updated_By__c |
Actuals: Last Updated By |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: User
Lookup |
false |
Actuals_Need_Recalc__c |
Actuals: Need Recalc |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Add_BEIs_To_Existing_Batches__c |
Add BEIs To Existing Batches |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If selected, all existing billing event items are added to an existing billing event instead of creating a new billing event.
Checkbox |
false |
Adjust_End_Date__c |
Adjust End Date |
Spring 2023 |
If selected, indicates the project's end date is adjusted to match the end date of the project task with the latest end date in Gantt.
Checkbox |
false |
Alert_Threshold__c |
Alert Threshold |
Spring 2020 |
Triggers an email when Percentage Used equals or exceeds the percentage value entered. Apply Billing Cap must be selected and there must also be a contact in the Alert Recipient field.
Percent(3,0) |
false |
Allow_Expenses_Without_Assignment__c |
Allow Expenses Without Assignment |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If this field is checked, then Expense Reports (and Expenses) may be logged for this project without the Resource on the Expense Report needing to have an open and current Assignment for the Project.
Checkbox |
false |
Allow_Self_Staffing__c |
Allow Self-Staffing |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Allow_Timecards_Without_Assignment__c |
Allow Timecards Without Assignment |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If this field is checked, then Timecards may be logged for this project without the Resource on the Timecard needing to have an open and current Assignment for the Project. Such projects are typically called "Global" projects - e.g. Vacation, Sick Leave, Maternity/Paternity Leave.
Checkbox |
false |
Apply_Billing_Cap__c |
Apply Billing Cap |
Spring 2020 |
Checkbox to trigger an email when the project billings total is over a threshold percentage of its bookings total. There must be a contact in the Alert Recipient field and there must also be a value in the Alert Threshold field.
Checkbox |
false |
Auto_Cap_Project_Billing__c |
Auto-Cap Billing |
Fall 2020 |
A checkbox on a project layout that is used to stop the release of billing events that exceed the project's billing cap, if applied.
Checkbox |
false |
Backlog_Last_Update_Date__c |
Backlog: Last Update Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
DateTime |
false |
Backlog_Last_Updated_By__c |
Backlog: Last Updated By |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: User
Lookup |
false |
Baseline_End_Date__c |
Baseline End Date |
Fall 2018 |
End date recorded on the project baseline.
Formula: Baseline__r.End_Date__c
Date |
false |
Baseline_Project_Phase__c |
Baseline Project Phase |
Fall 2018 |
Project phase recorded on the project baseline.
Formula: Baseline__r.Project_Phase__c
Text |
false |
Baseline_Project_Status__c |
Baseline Project Status |
Fall 2018 |
Project status recorded on the project baseline.
Formula: Baseline__r.Project_Status__c
Text |
false |
Baseline_Stage__c |
Baseline Stage |
Fall 2018 |
Stage recorded on the project baseline.
Formula: Baseline__r.Stage__c
Text |
false |
Baseline_Start_Date__c |
Baseline Start Date |
Fall 2018 |
Start date recorded on the project baseline.
Formula: Baseline__r.Start_Date__c
Date |
false |
Baseline__c |
Baseline |
Fall 2018 |
Baseline version of this project.
Looks up to: VersionItem_ProjectDetail__c
Lookup |
false |
Batch_Sequence_Number__c |
Batch Sequence Number |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: VALUE(Batch_Sequence__c)
Number(18,0) |
false |
Batch_Sequence__c |
Batch Sequence |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Used for reliable sorting of projects so a large collection of projects can be split into batches.
AutoNumber |
Bill_To_Budget_Cap_Bulk_Release__c |
Bill to Budget Cap |
Winter 2025 |
If selected, billing up to the budget cap is enabled for bulk release of billing events. This is dependent on Disable Billing Closer to Cap (Billing Settings custom setting) being false.
Checkbox |
false |
Billable_Expense_Fee_Flat__c |
Billable Expense Fee Flat |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Flat fee in Project currency by which to increase the billable amount of any Expense logged for the Project. The calculation will apply any percentage expense fee*before* this flat expense fee amount.
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0 |
Billable_Expense_Fee_Percentage__c |
Billable Expense Fee Percentage |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Fee percentage by which to increase the billable amount of any Expense logged for the Project. 0% means no increase (default), whereas 100% means double. The calculation will apply the percentage expense fee*before* any flat expense fee.
Percent(8,2) |
false |
0 |
Billable_External_Hours__c |
Billable Hours (External) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Billable_Internal_Hours__c |
Billable Hours (Internal) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Billed__c |
Billed |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Billing_Eligible_Budgets__c |
Billing Eligible Budgets |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number of Budgets that are currently available for billing event generation.
Number(6,0) |
false |
0 |
Billing_Eligible_Expenses__c |
Billing Eligible Expenses |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number of Expenses that are currently available for billing event generation.
Number(6,0) |
false |
0 |
Billing_Eligible_Last_Updated__c |
Billing Eligible Last Updated |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
When counts of Billing Eligible business records are updated on the Project, this Date field is set to indicate when the data was last captured.
Date |
false |
Billing_Eligible_Milestones__c |
Billing Eligible Milestones |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number of Milestones that are currently available for billing event generation.
Number(6,0) |
false |
0 |
Billing_Eligible_Misc_Adjustments__c |
Billing Eligible Misc Adjustments |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number of Miscellaneous Adjustments that are currently available for billing event generation.
Number(6,0) |
false |
0 |
Billing_Eligible_Timecard_Splits__c |
Billing Eligible Timecard Splits |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number of Timecard Splits that are currently available for billing event generation.
Number(6,0) |
false |
0 |
Billing_Queues_Need_Recalc__c |
Billing Queues Need Recalc |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Billing_Type__c |
Billing Type |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Picklist: Fixed Price Time and Materials |
false |
Billings__c |
Billings |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Bookings__c |
Bookings |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Closed_for_Expense_Entry__c |
Closed for Expense Entry |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Closed_for_Time_Entry__c |
Closed for Time Entry |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Company__c |
Company |
Fall 2019 |
Looks up to: fferpcore__Company__c
Lookup |
Copy_Child_Records_from_Template_Async__c |
Copy Child Records from Template Async |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If true, project child records copied using the Create Project From Template UI are created in asynchronous mode.
Checkbox |
false |
Credited_Non_Billable_Internal_Hours__c |
Credited Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Current_Time_Period_End_Date__c |
Current Time Period End Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Date |
false |
Current_Time_Period__c |
Current Time Period |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Time_Period__c
Lookup |
false |
Daily_Timecard_Notes_Required__c |
Daily Timecard Notes Required |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Duration__c |
Duration (Days) |
Fall 2021 |
The duration of the project in days.
Formula: End_Date__c - Start_Date__c
Number(18,0) |
false |
Email_Alert_Recipient__c |
Alert Recipient |
Spring 2020 |
The contact who is notified when billing exceeds the cap applied at project or budget level. For the project billing cap, Apply Billing Cap must be selected and there must be a value in the Alert Threshold field. An email is sent when the project's Percentage Used equals or exceeds the Alert Threshold. No email is sent if this field is blank or if no email address is recorded for the selected contact. For a budget billing cap, a Salesforce notification is sent to the Project Manager and this contact (if populated) when the budget's Amount Consumed exceeds either of the budget's two Amount Consumed Alert Thresholds which specify a percentage of the budget's Amount.
Looks up to: Contact
Lookup |
false |
End_Date__c |
End Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Date |
false |
Engagement__c |
Engagement |
Spring 2021 |
Engagement this project relates to.
Looks up to: fferpcore__ff_Engagement__c
Lookup |
false |
Estimate_Approval_Status__c |
Approval Status |
Fall 2021 |
The current status of this estimate in the approval process.
Picklist: Approved Draft Rejected Submitted |
false |
"Draft" |
Estimated_Hours_at_Completion__c |
Estimated Hours at Completion |
Spring 2019 |
An estimate of the total hours to be spent on a project. Calculated using Total Submitted Hours plus Scheduled Hours Remaining.
Number(18,2) |
false |
ExcludeProjectFromDisplayOnBilling__c |
Exclude Project From Display On Billing |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If selected, excludes the project from displaying on the billing screen.
Checkbox |
false |
Exclude_From_Billing__c |
Exclude From Billing |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If true, do not include this project when generating billing events
Checkbox |
false |
Exclude_From_EVA_Calculation__c |
Exclude from EVA Calculation |
Summer 2024 |
When selected, the EVAs are not calculated for this project.
Checkbox |
false |
Exclude_From_Monitor_Rollup__c |
Exclude from Monitor Rollup |
Summer 2024 |
When selected, the project is excluded from the monitor rollup calculations.
Checkbox |
false |
Exclude_from_Backlog__c |
Exclude from Backlog |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Exclude_from_Project_Planner__c |
Exclude from Project Planner |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Allows exclusion of a project from the project planner
Checkbox |
false |
Exclude_from_Project_Variance_Batch__c |
Exclude from Hours Variance Calculation |
Spring 2019 |
If selected, excludes a project from the Hours Variance Calculation job that is run from the PSA Administration tab.
Checkbox |
false |
Excluded_Hours__c |
Excluded Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Expense_Budget__c |
Expense Budget |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Expense_Costs__c |
Expense Costs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Expense_Notes__c |
Expense Notes |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
TextArea |
false |
External_Costs__c |
External Costs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
External_Time_Cost__c |
External Time Cost |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Financial_Status__c |
Financial Status |
Fall 2018 |
Select the current financial status from the picklist. Alternatively, use Process Builder or workflow rules to use your own logic to control the behavior of the corresponding color indicator field.
Picklist: Green Red Yellow |
false |
Financial_Visual__c |
Financial Status |
Fall 2018 |
Shows the financial status of the project based on the color selected from the corresponding Financial Status picklist.
Formula: IF(ISPICKVAL(Financial_Status__c,"Yellow"),IMAGE("/resource/pse__StatusImages/yellow.png","2-Yellow"),IF(ISPICKVAL(Financial_Status__c,"Red"),IMAGE("/resource/pse__StatusImages/red.png","3-Red"),IF(ISPICKVAL(Financial_Status__c,"Green"),IMAGE("/resource/pse__StatusImages/green.png","1-Green"),"")))
Text |
false |
Forecast_Curve__c |
Forecast Curve |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Forecast_Curve__c
Lookup |
false |
Group__c |
Group |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Grp__c
Lookup |
false |
Hierarchy_Depth__c |
Hierarchy Depth |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(2,0) |
false |
0 |
Hours_Cut_Off_Date__c |
Hours Cut Off Date |
Spring 2019 |
The date used to calculate a project's variance values. The date last week that corresponds to the last day in the project's work calendar is used. If no work calendar exists, last Sunday's date is used.
Date |
false |
Hours_to_Days_Rule__c |
Hours to Days Rule |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Specifies rules for converting hours to days for timecards against this project
Looks up to: Hours_to_Days_Rule__c
Lookup |
false |
Inactive_Project_Backlog__c |
Inactive Project Backlog |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The amount of backlog (bookings - billings) that was made inactive when the project (and/or sub-projects) became inactive. For parent projects, this is a cumulative value. NOTE: this field is only intended to be updated by PSE.
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Include_In_Forecasting__c |
Include In Forecasting |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Does this project participate in project forecasting?
Checkbox |
false |
Internal_Budget__c |
Internal Budget |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Internal_Costs__c |
Internal Costs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Internal_Time_Cost__c |
Internal Time Cost |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Invoiced__c |
Invoiced |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Is_Active__c |
Active |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Is_Billable__c |
Billable |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Is_Template__c |
Template |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Jira_Correlation_ID__c |
Jira Correlation ID |
Fall 2019 |
Unique identifier of the project or issue in Jira. Used for synchronization.
Text(255) |
false |
Jira_Project_Key__c |
Jira Project Key |
Fall 2019 |
Unique key of the project in Jira used to prefix issue keys.
Text(10) |
false |
Jira_Project_Type__c |
Jira Project Type |
Fall 2019 |
Project type in Jira.
Picklist: business software |
false |
Jira_Project_URL__c |
Jira Project URL |
Fall 2019 |
URL to the related project in Jira.
Formula: IF(Sync_With_Jira__c && !ISBLANK(Jira_Correlation_ID__c) && (ISPICKVAL(Jira_Project__c , '') || ISPICKVAL(Jira_Project__c , 'None')), HYPERLINK($Setup.Integration_Hub_Connector_Jira_PSA__c.Jira_Application_URL__c + '/browse/' + Jira_Project_Key__c, 'View Project in Jira', '_blank'), IF(Sync_With_Jira__c && !ISBLANK(Jira_Correlation_ID__c) && (!ISBLANK(TEXT(Jira_Project__c))), HYPERLINK($Setup.Integration_Hub_Connector_Jira_PSA__c.Jira_Application_URL__c + '/browse/' + TEXT(Jira_Project__c), 'View Project in Jira', '_blank'),''))
Text |
false |
Jira_Project__c |
Jira Project |
Fall 2019 |
Picklist containing available Jira project keys. Key of the Jira project this project will be created as an issue for.
Picklist: None |
false |
Location__c |
Location |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
false |
Margin__c |
Margin |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: Billings__c + Pass_Through_Billings__c - Internal_Costs__c - External_Costs__c - Expense_Costs__c - Other_Costs__c
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Master_Project__c |
Master Project |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Proj__c
Lookup |
false |
Milestone_Cost__c |
Milestone Cost |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Non_Billable_External_Hours__c |
Non-Billable Hours (External) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Non_Billable_Internal_Hours__c |
Non-Billable Hours (Internal) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Notes__c |
Notes |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Staffing project notes
TextArea |
false |
Opportunity_Owner__c |
Opportunity Owner |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: User
Lookup |
false |
Opportunity__c |
Opportunity |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Opportunity
Lookup |
false |
Other_Costs__c |
Other Costs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Parent_Project__c |
Parent Project |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Proj__c
Lookup |
false |
Pass_Through_Billings__c |
Pass-Through Billings |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Percent_Hours_Complete__c |
Percent Hours Complete |
Spring 2019 |
The percentage of hours already completed on the project. Calculated using Total Submitted Hours divided by Estimated Hours at Completion multiplied by 100.
Percent(18,0) |
false |
Percent_Hours_Completed_For_Recognition__c |
% Hours Completed for Recognition |
Spring 2020 |
Percentage of hours completed, for revenue forecasts using the % Complete recognition method. For more information, see the PSA Help.
Percent(5,2) |
false |
Percentage_Used__c |
Percentage Used |
Spring 2020 |
The percentage of bookings that are already ready-to-bill, including any pre-billed amount.
Formula: IF( OR( Bookings__c = 0.00, ISBLANK( Bookings__c ) , Apply_Billing_Cap__c = false) , null, (Billings__c + BLANKVALUE(Pre_Billed__c, 0)) / Bookings__c)
Percent(3,0) |
false |
Planned_Hours__c |
Planned Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
Practice__c |
Practice |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Practice__c
Lookup |
false |
Pre_Bill_Type__c |
Pre-Bill Type |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Picklist: Full None Partial |
false |
Pre_Billed__c |
Pre-Billed |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Project_ID_Chain__c |
Project ID Chain |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Text(255) |
false |
Project_ID__c |
Project ID |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
AutoNumber |
Project_Manager__c |
Project Manager |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Person responsible for this project (optional). If not provided, it's assumed that the record Owner is the project manager.
Looks up to: Contact
Lookup |
false |
Project_Name_Chain__c |
Project Name Chain |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Text(255) |
false |
Project_Phase__c |
Project Phase |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Picklist: Deployment Design Development Maintenance Planning Requirements Strategy Support Testing Training |
false |
Project_Status_Notes__c |
Project Status Notes |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
TextArea |
false |
Project_Status__c |
Project Status |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Select the current project status from the picklist. Alternatively, use Process Builder or workflow rules to use your own logic to control the behavior of the corresponding color indicator field.
Picklist: Green Red Yellow |
false |
Project_Type__c |
Project Type |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
A descriptive classification of the project
Picklist: Customer Project Internal Paid Time Off |
false |
Rate_Card_Discount_Limit__c |
Rate Card Discount Limit |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The rate card's minimum suggested bill rate to which the discount will be applied.
Number(18,4) |
false |
Rate_Card_Percentage_Discount__c |
Rate Card Percentage Discount |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The discount in percent applicable on a rate card's suggested bill rate when creating or updating a resource request or assignment on a project.
Percent(5,2) |
false |
Rate_Card_Set__c |
Rate Card Set |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
A rate card set, composed of multiple separate rate cards, determines which rate cards are applied to a project
Looks up to: Rate_Card_Set__c
Lookup |
false |
Recognition_Method__c |
Recognition Method |
Fall 2019 |
The recognition method to apply to this record for revenue forecasting.
Picklist |
false |
Region__c |
Region |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Region__c
Lookup |
false |
Remaining_Amount__c |
Remaining Amount |
Spring 2020 |
The bookings amount minus ready-to-bill records and any pre-billed amount.
Formula: IF( OR( Bookings__c = 0.00, Apply_Billing_Cap__c = false) , NULL , Bookings__c - (Billings__c + Pre_Billed__c ) )
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Requires_Dependency_Sync__c |
Requires Dependency Sync |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Revenue_Forecast_Batch_Update_Pending__c |
Revenue Forecast Batch Update Pending |
Fall 2019 |
Indicates when this project is queued ready for revenue forecast processing. This is a system controlled field.
Checkbox |
false |
Revenue_Forecast_Last_Updated__c |
Revenue Forecast Last Updated |
Fall 2019 |
Date and time when this revenue forecast was last updated.
DateTime |
false |
Revenue_Forecast_Processing_Status__c |
Revenue Forecast Processing Status |
Fall 2019 |
The processing status of this revenue forecast.
Picklist: Complete Error Not Started Pending Processing |
false |
Revenue__c |
Revenue |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Schedule_Status__c |
Schedule Status |
Fall 2018 |
Select the current schedule status from the picklist. Alternatively, use Process Builder or workflow rules to use your own logic to control the behavior of the corresponding color indicator field.
Picklist: Green Red Yellow |
false |
Schedule_Visual__c |
Schedule Status |
Fall 2018 |
Shows whether the project is on schedule, based on the color selected from the corresponding Schedule Status picklist.
Formula: IF(ISPICKVAL(Schedule_Status__c,"Yellow"),IMAGE("/resource/pse__StatusImages/yellow.png","2-Yellow"),IF(ISPICKVAL(Schedule_Status__c,"Red"),IMAGE("/resource/pse__StatusImages/red.png","3-Red"),IF(ISPICKVAL(Schedule_Status__c,"Green"),IMAGE("/resource/pse__StatusImages/green.png","1-Green"),"")))
Text |
false |
Scheduled_Backlog_Calculated_Date__c |
Scheduled Backlog Calculated Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Date |
false |
Today() |
Scheduled_Backlog_End_Date__c |
Scheduled Backlog End Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Date |
false |
Scheduled_Hours_Remaining__c |
Scheduled Hours Remaining |
Spring 2019 |
The number of hours not yet spent on a project. Calculated using assignments whose end date comes after the Hours Cut Off Date and takes into account scheduled hours and schedule exceptions.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Scheduled_Milestone__c |
Scheduled Milestone |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Scheduled_Time__c |
Scheduled Time |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Scope_Status__c |
Scope Status |
Fall 2018 |
Select the current scope status from the picklist. Alternatively, use Process Builder or workflow rules to use your own logic to control the behavior of the corresponding color indicator field.
Picklist: Green Red Yellow |
false |
Scope_Visual__c |
Scope Status |
Fall 2018 |
Shows whether the project is in scope, based on the color selected from the corresponding Scope Status picklist.
Formula: IF(ISPICKVAL(Scope_Status__c,"Yellow"),IMAGE("/resource/pse__StatusImages/yellow.png","2-Yellow"),IF(ISPICKVAL(Scope_Status__c,"Red"),IMAGE("/resource/pse__StatusImages/red.png","3-Red"),IF(ISPICKVAL(Scope_Status__c,"Green"),IMAGE("/resource/pse__StatusImages/green.png","1-Green"),"")))
Text |
false |
Send_to_Third_Party_Expenses_Application__c |
Send to Third-Party Expenses Application |
Spring 2019 |
Controls whether or not the project is sent to a third-party expenses application.
Formula: AND(Is_Active__c, NOT(Closed_for_Expense_Entry__c))
Checkbox |
Services_Billing_Time_Period_Type__c |
Services Billing Time Period Type |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Picklist: Month Quarter Week Year |
false |
Share_with_Project_Manager__c |
Share with Project Manager |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If true, sharing rules are created for this record and its children so that the user designated as Project Manager has access to them.
Checkbox |
false |
Share_with_Project_Resources__c |
Share with Project Team |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Stage__c |
Stage |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Picklist: Canceled Completed In Progress Missing Paperwork On Hold Planned |
false |
Start_Date__c |
Start Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Date |
false |
Status_Visual__c |
Project Status |
Fall 2018 |
Shows the status of the project based on the color selected from the corresponding Project Status picklist.
Formula: IF(ISPICKVAL(Project_Status__c,"Yellow"),IMAGE("/resource/pse__StatusImages/yellow.png","2-Yellow"),IF(ISPICKVAL(Project_Status__c,"Red"),IMAGE("/resource/pse__StatusImages/red.png","3-Red"),IF(ISPICKVAL(Project_Status__c,"Green"),IMAGE("/resource/pse__StatusImages/green.png","1-Green"),"")))
Text |
false |
Sync_With_Jira__c |
Sync with Jira |
Fall 2019 |
Controls whether the project is synchronized with Jira.
Checkbox |
false |
Tasks_Total_Percent_Complete_Points__c |
Tasks Total Percent Complete (Points) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: IF (Tasks_Total_Points__c=0, 0, Tasks_Total_Points_Complete__c/Tasks_Total_Points__c)
Percent(18,2) |
false |
Tasks_Total_Points_Complete__c |
Tasks Total Points Complete |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(11,2) |
false |
0 |
Tasks_Total_Points__c |
Tasks Total Points |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(11,2) |
false |
0 |
Time_Credited__c |
Time Credited |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
This checkbox should be checked for non-billable projects for which consulting time is credited towards utilization.
Checkbox |
false |
Time_Excluded__c |
Time Excluded |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
This checkbox should be checked for non-billable projects for which time should neither count for or against utilization.
Checkbox |
false |
Time_Logged_In_Days__c |
Time Logged in Days |
Spring 2023 |
Checkbox used to determine whether time is logged using days instead of hours.
Checkbox |
false |
Time_Zone__c |
Time Zone |
Fall 2019 |
The project's time zone. All project task start and end times use this time zone.
Picklist: Africa/Abidjan Africa/Accra Africa/Addis_Ababa Africa/Algiers Africa/Asmera Africa/Bamako Africa/Bangui Africa/Banjul Africa/Bissau Africa/Blantyre Africa/Brazzaville Africa/Bujumbura Africa/Cairo Africa/Casablanca Africa/Ceuta Africa/Conakry Africa/Dakar Africa/Dar_es_Salaam Africa/Djibouti Africa/Douala Africa/El_Aaiun Africa/Freetown Africa/Gaborone Africa/Harare Africa/Johannesburg Africa/Juba Africa/Kampala Africa/Khartoum Africa/Kigali Africa/Kinshasa Africa/Lagos Africa/Libreville Africa/Lome Africa/Luanda Africa/Lubumbashi Africa/Lusaka Africa/Malabo Africa/Maputo Africa/Maseru Africa/Mbabane Africa/Mogadishu Africa/Monrovia Africa/Nairobi Africa/Ndjamena Africa/Niamey Africa/Nouakchott Africa/Ouagadougou Africa/Porto-Novo Africa/Sao_Tome Africa/Tripoli Africa/Tunis Africa/Windhoek America/Adak America/Anchorage America/Anguilla America/Antigua America/Araguaina America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires America/Argentina/La_Rioja America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos America/Argentina/Salta America/Argentina/San_Juan America/Argentina/San_Luis America/Argentina/Tucuman America/Argentina/Ushuaia America/Aruba America/Asuncion America/Bahia America/Bahia_Banderas America/Barbados America/Belem America/Belize America/Blanc-Sablon America/Boa_Vista America/Bogota America/Boise America/Cambridge_Bay America/Campo_Grande America/Cancun America/Caracas America/Catamarca America/Cayenne America/Cayman America/Chicago America/Chihuahua America/Coral_Harbour America/Cordoba America/Costa_Rica America/Creston America/Cuiaba America/Curacao America/Danmarkshavn America/Dawson America/Dawson_Creek America/Denver America/Detroit America/Dominica America/Edmonton America/Eirunepe America/El_Salvador America/Fort_Nelson America/Fortaleza America/Glace_Bay America/Godthab America/Goose_Bay America/Grand_Turk America/Grenada America/Guadeloupe America/Guatemala America/Guayaquil America/Guyana America/Halifax America/Havana America/Hermosillo America/Indiana/Indianapolis America/Indiana/Knox America/Indiana/Marengo America/Indiana/Petersburg America/Indiana/Tell_City America/Indiana/Vevay America/Indiana/Vincennes America/Indiana/Winamac America/Inuvik America/Iqaluit America/Jamaica America/Jujuy America/Juneau America/Kentucky/Monticello America/Kralendijk America/La_Paz America/Lima America/Los_Angeles America/Louisville America/Lower_Princes America/Maceio America/Managua America/Manaus America/Marigot America/Martinique America/Matamoros America/Mazatlan America/Mendoza America/Menominee America/Merida America/Metlakatla America/Mexico_City America/Miquelon America/Moncton America/Monterrey America/Montevideo America/Montreal America/Montserrat America/Nassau America/New_York America/Nipigon America/Nome America/Noronha America/North_Dakota/Beulah America/North_Dakota/Center America/North_Dakota/New_Salem America/Ojinaga America/Panama America/Pangnirtung America/Paramaribo America/Phoenix America/Port-au-Prince America/Port_of_Spain America/Porto_Velho America/Puerto_Rico America/Punta_Arenas America/Rainy_River America/Rankin_Inlet America/Recife America/Regina America/Resolute America/Rio_Branco America/Santa_Isabel America/Santarem America/Santiago America/Santo_Domingo America/Sao_Paulo America/Scoresbysund America/Sitka America/St_Barthelemy America/St_Johns America/St_Kitts America/St_Lucia America/St_Thomas America/St_Vincent America/Swift_Current America/Tegucigalpa America/Thule America/Thunder_Bay America/Tijuana America/Toronto America/Tortola America/Vancouver America/Whitehorse America/Winnipeg America/Yakutat America/Yellowknife Antarctica/Casey Antarctica/Davis Antarctica/DumontDUrville Antarctica/Macquarie Antarctica/Mawson Antarctica/McMurdo Antarctica/Palmer Antarctica/Rothera Antarctica/Syowa Antarctica/Troll Antarctica/Vostok Arctic/Longyearbyen Asia/Aden Asia/Almaty Asia/Amman Asia/Anadyr Asia/Aqtau Asia/Aqtobe Asia/Ashgabat Asia/Atyrau Asia/Baghdad Asia/Bahrain Asia/Baku Asia/Bangkok Asia/Barnaul Asia/Beirut Asia/Bishkek Asia/Brunei Asia/Chita Asia/Choibalsan Asia/Colombo Asia/Damascus Asia/Dhaka Asia/Dili Asia/Dubai Asia/Dushanbe Asia/Famagusta Asia/Gaza Asia/Hebron Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh Asia/Hong_Kong Asia/Hovd Asia/Irkutsk Asia/Jakarta Asia/Jayapura Asia/Jerusalem Asia/Kabul Asia/Kamchatka Asia/Karachi Asia/Kathmandu Asia/Khandyga Asia/Kolkata Asia/Krasnoyarsk Asia/Kuala_Lumpur Asia/Kuching Asia/Kuwait Asia/Macau Asia/Magadan Asia/Makassar Asia/Manila Asia/Muscat Asia/Nicosia Asia/Novokuznetsk Asia/Novosibirsk Asia/Omsk Asia/Oral Asia/Phnom_Penh Asia/Pontianak Asia/Pyongyang Asia/Qatar Asia/Qostanay Asia/Qyzylorda Asia/Rangoon Asia/Riyadh Asia/Sakhalin Asia/Samarkand Asia/Seoul Asia/Shanghai Asia/Singapore Asia/Srednekolymsk Asia/Taipei Asia/Tashkent Asia/Tbilisi Asia/Tehran Asia/Thimphu Asia/Tokyo Asia/Tomsk Asia/Ulaanbaatar Asia/Urumqi Asia/Ust-Nera Asia/Vientiane Asia/Vladivostok Asia/Yakutsk Asia/Yekaterinburg Asia/Yerevan Atlantic/Azores Atlantic/Bermuda Atlantic/Canary Atlantic/Cape_Verde Atlantic/Faeroe Atlantic/Madeira Atlantic/Reykjavik Atlantic/South_Georgia Atlantic/St_Helena Atlantic/Stanley Australia/Adelaide Australia/Brisbane Australia/Broken_Hill Australia/Currie Australia/Darwin Australia/Eucla Australia/Hobart Australia/Lindeman Australia/Lord_Howe Australia/Melbourne Australia/Perth Australia/Sydney Europe/Amsterdam Europe/Andorra Europe/Astrakhan Europe/Athens Europe/Belgrade Europe/Berlin Europe/Bratislava Europe/Brussels Europe/Bucharest Europe/Budapest Europe/Busingen Europe/Chisinau Europe/Copenhagen Europe/Dublin Europe/Gibraltar Europe/Guernsey Europe/Helsinki Europe/Isle_of_Man Europe/Istanbul Europe/Jersey Europe/Kaliningrad Europe/Kiev Europe/Kirov Europe/Lisbon Europe/Ljubljana Europe/London Europe/Luxembourg Europe/Madrid Europe/Malta Europe/Mariehamn Europe/Minsk Europe/Monaco Europe/Moscow Europe/Oslo Europe/Paris Europe/Podgorica Europe/Prague Europe/Riga Europe/Rome Europe/Samara Europe/San_Marino Europe/Sarajevo Europe/Saratov Europe/Simferopol Europe/Skopje Europe/Sofia Europe/Stockholm Europe/Tallinn Europe/Tirane Europe/Ulyanovsk Europe/Uzhgorod Europe/Vaduz Europe/Vatican Europe/Vienna Europe/Vilnius Europe/Volgograd Europe/Warsaw Europe/Zagreb Europe/Zaporozhye Europe/Zurich GMT Indian/Antananarivo Indian/Chagos Indian/Christmas Indian/Cocos Indian/Comoro Indian/Kerguelen Indian/Mahe Indian/Maldives Indian/Mauritius Indian/Mayotte Indian/Reunion Pacific/Apia Pacific/Auckland Pacific/Bougainville Pacific/Chatham Pacific/Easter Pacific/Efate Pacific/Enderbury Pacific/Fakaofo Pacific/Fiji Pacific/Funafuti Pacific/Galapagos Pacific/Gambier Pacific/Guadalcanal Pacific/Guam Pacific/Honolulu Pacific/Johnston Pacific/Kiritimati Pacific/Kosrae Pacific/Kwajalein Pacific/Majuro Pacific/Marquesas Pacific/Midway Pacific/Nauru Pacific/Niue Pacific/Norfolk Pacific/Noumea Pacific/Pago_Pago Pacific/Palau Pacific/Pitcairn Pacific/Ponape Pacific/Port_Moresby Pacific/Rarotonga Pacific/Saipan Pacific/Tahiti Pacific/Tarawa Pacific/Tongatapu Pacific/Truk Pacific/Wake Pacific/Wallis |
false |
Total_Assigned_Hours__c |
Total Assigned Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
false |
Total_Costs__c |
Total Costs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: Internal_Costs__c + External_Costs__c + Expense_Costs__c + Other_Costs__c
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Total_Number_of_Tasks__c |
Total Number of Tasks |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(8,0) |
false |
0 |
Total_Projected_Revenue_From_Assignments__c |
Total Projected Revenue From Assignments |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
Total_Submitted_Hours__c |
Total Submitted Hours |
Spring 2019 |
The number of hours spent on a project. Calculated using the total hours on submitted or approved timecards, when the Assignment lookup is not blank and the end date is before or the same as the date in the Hours Cut Off Date field.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Unscheduled_Backlog__c |
Unscheduled Backlog |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Currency(18,2) |
false |
0.00 |
Variance_From_Plan__c |
Variance from Plan |
Spring 2019 |
The difference between the number of planned project hours and the number of submitted or approved timecard hours. Calculated using Planned Hours on a project minus Total Submitted Hours.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Variance_at_Completion__c |
Variance at Completion |
Spring 2019 |
The difference between the original number of planned project hours and the Estimated Hours at Completion. Calculated using Planned Hours on a project minus Estimated Hours at Completion.
Number(18,2) |
false |
Work_Calendar__c |
Work Calendar |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Looks up to: Work_Calendar__c
Lookup |
false |