Allow_Zero_Entry__c |
Allow Zero Entry |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If selected, users are able to save task time records with zero hours. The default value is false.
Checkbox |
false |
Assignment_project_editable_after_save__c |
Assignment project editable after save |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If true the project or assignment can be changed as long as the timecard 's status is one of the "timecard-edit-status-values/Timecard_edit_status_values__c" values.
Checkbox |
false |
Assignment_tooltip_fields__c |
Assignment tooltip fields |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The fields to use as tooltip for assignments. Fully-qualified (with namespace if applicable), case-sensitive field names are required
Text(60) |
false |
"Percent_Allocated__c, Description__c,CreatedDate" |
Combine_Similar_Timecards__c |
Combine Similar Timecards |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether timecards with exactly the same combination of week, project, assignment, resource, billable, project, methodology, location, travel are combined on the Timecard Entry page. When this occurs, hours and notes fields are combined and other day-based fields are set to the values of the first timecard row included in an aggregated timecard line.
Checkbox |
false |
Copy_AdditionalFields_From_Previous_Week__c |
Copy AdditionalFields From Previous Week |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If checked Additional Fields will be copied from previous week timecards.
Checkbox |
true |
Copy_ETC_From_Previous_Week__c |
Copy ETC From Previous Week |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If checked ETC field will be copied from previous week timecards
Checkbox |
true |
Copy_Hours_From_Previous_Week__c |
Copy Hours From Previous Week |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If checked Hour fields like Monday Hours, Tuesday Hours etc will be copied from previous week timecards
Checkbox |
true |
Copy_Locations_From_Previous_Week__c |
Copy Locations From Previous Week |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If checked Location Information fields like Location Mon etc will be copied from previous week timecards
Checkbox |
true |
Copy_Methodology_From_Previous_Week__c |
Copy Methodology From Previous Week |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If checked Methodology field will be copied from previous week timecards
Checkbox |
true |
Copy_Milestone_From_Previous_Week__c |
Copy Milestone From Previous Week |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If checked Milestones will be copied from previous week's timecards
Checkbox |
true |
Copy_Notes_From_Previous_Week__c |
Copy Notes From Previous Week |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If checked Notes will be copied from previous week timecards
Checkbox |
false |
Copy_Phase_From_Previous_Week__c |
Copy Phase From Previous Week |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If checked Phase field will be copied from previous week timecards
Checkbox |
true |
Copy_Schedule_Assignment_Daily_Notes__c |
Copy Schedule Assignment Daily Notes |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If set to true, the Copy From Schedule functionality populates the Notes fields for each day on the Timecard if it finds Assignment Daily Notes child records on the Assignment for that day. (default false)
Checkbox |
false |
Copy_Task_Hours_From_Previous_Week__c |
Copy Task Hours From Previous Week |
Spring 2019 |
If true, project task hours are copied from the previous week's timecard lines.
Checkbox |
false |
Copy_Tasks_From_Previous_Week__c |
Copy Tasks From Previous Week |
Fall 2018 |
If true, project task information is copied from the previous week's timecard lines.
Checkbox |
false |
Copy_Travel_From_Previous_Week__c |
Copy Travel From Previous Week |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If checked Travel Information fields like Travel Week, Travel Mon etc will be copied from previous week timecards
Checkbox |
true |
Default_Single_Resource_Search_Result__c |
Default Single Resource Search Result |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
When true and the Resource Lookup popup on the new timecard UI returns only one result, the Resource Lookup popup is automatically closed and the resource field is set to returned resource.
Checkbox |
false |
Default_Week_Offset__c |
Default Week Offset |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(2,0) |
false |
Default_billable__c |
Default billable |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If true, billable drop down field on timecard ui will be shown as disabled i.e non-editable by user .
Checkbox |
true |
Empty_lines_to_append_on_add_lines__c |
Empty lines to append on add lines |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
These many empty timecard lines will be added, when add lines button will be clicked.
Number(18,0) |
false |
3 |
Empty_timecard_lines_to_append_by_def__c |
Empty timecard lines to append by def |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
This is the minimum no of lines that will be always available for new timecard entry.
Number(18,0) |
false |
5 |
Hide_Copy_From_Previous_Week_Button__c |
Hide Copy From Previous Week Button |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether the Copy From Previous Week button on the new timecard UI is hidden. The default value is false.
Checkbox |
false |
Hide_Copy_Schedules_Button__c |
Hide Copy Schedules Button |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether the Copy Schedules button on the new timecard UI is hidden. The default value is false.
Checkbox |
false |
Hide_Expand_Tasks__c |
Hide Expand Tasks |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
When true, the Expand Tasks or Collapse Tasks link is hidden in the Time Entry page. The default value is false.
Checkbox |
false |
Hide_Notes_Column__c |
Hide Notes Column |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
When true, the Notes column that normally appears on the Timecard Entry page is hidden. The default value is false.
Checkbox |
false |
Hide_Save_Button__c |
Hide Save Button |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether the Save button on the new timecard UI is hidden. The default value is false.
Checkbox |
false |
Hide_Show_All_Tasks_My_Tasks__c |
Hide Show All Tasks/My Tasks |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
When true, the 'All Tasks' and 'My Tasks' buttons are hidden on the Add Tasks popup in the Time Entry page. The default value is false.
Checkbox |
false |
Hide_Submit_Button__c |
Hide Submit Button |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether the Submit button on the new timecard UI is hidden. The default value is false.
Checkbox |
false |
Hide_Timecard_Hours_in_Calculated_Mode__c |
Lock Timecard Hours in Calculated Mode |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If selected and Task Time Entry Mode is set to Calculated, the timecard hours cannot be changed. Only the task hours can be edited. The default value of the checkbox is clear.
Checkbox |
false |
Holiday_Color_Code__c |
Holiday Color Code |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The given field/config is used to color-code the date-column-heading for a Work Calendar Holiday for the selected Resource on the Timecard. Config would allow customer to choose color so that they could, for example, have the date column heading "Mon (9/5)" be an alternate color (config could contain color). In this example, Mon. Sept. 5th 2011 is Labor Day, a holiday in most US Work Calendars, so a Resource with the US Work Calendar would see this color feature.
Text(40) |
false |
Hours_cell_pixel_width__c |
Hours Cell Pixel Width |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(3,0) |
false |
65 |
Max_Resource_Hours_Per_Day__c |
Max Resource Hours Per Day |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of hours a resource can enter on a single timecard day. If the total number of hours for a resource exceeds this amount on a single timecard day, an error message is displayed.
Number(4,2) |
false |
Maximum_Resource_Hours_Per_Week__c |
Maximum Resource Hours Per Week |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of hours a resource can enter for a timecard week. If exceeded, an error message is displayed. Enter a percentage value and symbol, eg. 90%, to specify a maximum percentage of work calendar hours.
Text(10) |
false |
Minimum_Resource_Hours_Per_Week__c |
Minimum Resource Hours Per Week |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Minimum number of hours a resource can enter for a timecard week. If weekly hours are lower than this amount, an error message is displayed. Enter a percentage value and symbol, eg. 30%, to specify a minimum percentage of work calendar hours.
Text(10) |
false |
Nickname_Editable__c |
Nickname Editable |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If true then assignment nickname is editable else not.
Checkbox |
true |
Note_location_allowed__c |
Note location allowed |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If true, location field will be shown in timecard entry note popup dialog
Checkbox |
true |
Pre_Populate_Task__c |
Pre Populate Task |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If selected, tasks are pre populated for the selected user and project. The default value of the checkbox is clear.
Checkbox |
false |
Proj_assig_dropdown_account_custom_field__c |
Proj assig dropdown account custom field |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
timecard project/Assignment account drop down display value
Text(30) |
false |
Project_Task_Tooltip_Fieldset_Name__c |
Project Task Tooltip Fieldset Name |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Fields in this field set define the fields shown in the tooltip for the Project Task line in the Log a Timecard with Task Time UI.
Text(255) |
false |
Project_editable_after_save_audit_Notes__c |
Project editable after save audit Notes |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The "Assignment project editable after save" gives user access to change the project/assignment for the saved timecards but this require audit note to be set for timecard. Audit notes can be set by this config. This config contains four tokens, which will be replaced during update. The valid token names are as follows:- - the current user who is performing the action in the TC UI - today's date - the original project name - the new project name Default value:- User changed the Project from to on .
Text(255) |
false |
'User changed the Project from to on ' |
Project_tooltip_fields__c |
Project tooltip fields |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
List of project fields to be shown as tooltip on timecard entry ui.
Text(60) |
false |
"Project_Status__c,Billable_Internal_Hours__c" |
Restrict_Task_Based_On_Assignment__c |
Restrict Task Based On Assignment |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
When selected, the tasks that are pre-populated are based on the selected assignment. The "Limit To Tasks with Matching Assignment" field in the Select Tasks popup is then checked by default. Restrict Task Based On Assignment is deselected by default.
Checkbox |
false |
Restrict_Task_Based_On_Milestone__c |
Restrict Task Based On Milestone |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
When selected, the tasks that are pre-populated are based on the selected milestone. The "Limit To Tasks with Matching Milestone" field in the Select Tasks popup is then checked by default. Restrict Task Based On Milestone is deselected by default.
Checkbox |
false |
Save_Column_Preferences__c |
Save Column Preferences |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
true |
Schedule_assignment_tooltip_fields__c |
Schedule Assignment Tooltip Fields |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
API names of assignment fields to be shown when hovering over the tooltip icon in the Schedule section of a timecard.
Text(60) |
false |
"Percent_Allocated__c, Description__c,CreatedDate" |
Schedule_grid_weekend_delta__c |
Schedule grid weekend delta |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Config value will be used to show the schedules for no of weeks ahead of timecard weekend. Possible value for config will be 0, 1, 2 so on. If value = 0, Schedule grid will show schedules zero week ahead of timecard i.e current week and next week.
Number(18,0) |
false |
0 |
Schedule_project_tooltip_fields__c |
Schedule Project Tooltip Fields |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
API names of project fields to be shown when hovering over the tooltip icon in the Schedule section of a timecard.
Text(60) |
false |
"Project_Status__c,Billable_Internal_Hours__c" |
Show_Alert_For_NonZero_HolidayHours__c |
Show Alert For NonZero HolidayHours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Given config is used to show alert if non zero value in entered on the timecard section for the day marked as holiday (having zero hours) in the selected Resource work calendar.
Checkbox |
false |
Show_Alert_For_NonZero_WeekendHours__c |
Show Alert For NonZero WeekendHours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Given config is used to show alert if non zero value in entered on the schedule grid section for the day having zero hours in the selected Resource work calendar days pattern.
Checkbox |
false |
Show_Billable_NonBillable_Hours__c |
Show Billable NonBillable Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If true, billable non-billable hours will show via hover text on each total in the totals row for all the daily columns and sum column on timecard in Time Entry.
Checkbox |
true |
Show_Easy_Entry_Popup__c |
Show Easy Entry Popup |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Controls whether the easy entry popup appears on the Time Entry page or Timesheet Entry UI.
Checkbox |
true |
Show_Milestone_As_Field__c |
Show Milestone As Field |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Contains field whose value will be shown on timecard UI milestone drop down list. If these are missing/null, the TC UI just continues to show the Milestone name fields of the available Milestones in the drop-down list. No lookup __r references are supported, only fields directly on the Milestone can be used.
Text(60) |
false |
Show_ProjectName_Assignment_Dropdown__c |
Show ProjectName Assignment Dropdown |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Used to control the display of assignment project name value in the assignment display name on TC project/assignment overlay.
Checkbox |
true |
Show_Recall_On_Timecards__c |
Show Recall On Timecards |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Config is used to control the display recall link on each submitted timecard. On click it, a recall overlay will be open, where we need to enter the comment and recall the approval request for timecard.
Checkbox |
true |
Show_Schedule_Grid_Expanded_By_Default__c |
Show Schedule Grid Expanded By Default |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checked, means schedule grid will be shown expanded on Timecard entry by default.
Checkbox |
true |
Show_Travel__c |
Show Travel |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether the Travel checkboxes on the new timecard UI are to be displayed. The default value is true.
Checkbox |
true |
Show_schedule_grid__c |
Show schedule grid |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If true, schedule grid section will show on timecard ui else not
Checkbox |
true |
Show_schedule_tooltips__c |
Show Schedule Tooltips |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If set to true, shows the tooltip icon next to assignment name on Schedule section of TC UI.Default false (existing behavior, no tooltip column)
Checkbox |
false |
Status_Recall_Column_Not_Fixed__c |
Status/Recall Column Not Fixed |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
When false, the Status/recall column will display immediately to the right of the Notes column. When true, Status/recall will display to the right of any additional fields.
Checkbox |
false |
TC_HeaderRow_Left_Editable_Fieldset_Name__c |
TC HeaderRow Left Editable Fieldset Name |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
API name of a field set used by the Timecard object. Fields in this field set define the editable fields shown to the left of Hours in the timecard header line of the Timecard UI.
Text(255) |
false |
TC_Header_Row_Editable_Fieldset_Name__c |
TC Header Row Editable Fieldset Name |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
API name of a field set used by the Timecard object. Fields in this field set define the editable fields in the timecard header line in the Timecard UI.
Text(255) |
false |
'TimeCard_Header_Row_Editable' |
TC_Header_Row_Readonly_Fieldset_Name__c |
TC Header Row Readonly Fieldset Name |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
API name of a field set used by the Timecard object. Fields in this field set define read-only fields in the timecard header line in the Timecard UI
Text(255) |
false |
'TimeCard_Header_Row_Readonly' |
TC_Hour_Fields_To_Copy_From_Schedule__c |
TC Hour Fields To Copy From Schedule |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Specify Timecard Hour fields to copy from schedule. Only these hour fields are valid for this config "Monday_Hours__c,Tuesday_Hours__c ,Wednesday_Hours__c ,Thursday_Hours__c,Friday_Hours__c ,Saturday_Hours__c,Sunday_Hours__c"
TextArea |
false |
"Monday_Hours__c,Tuesday_Hours__c,Wednesday_Hours__c,Thursday_Hours__c,Friday_Hours__c ,Saturday_Hours__c,Sunday_Hours__c" |
TC_Notes_Field_Editable_Fieldset_Name__c |
TC Notes Field Editable Fieldset Name |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
API name of a field set used by the Timecard object. Fields in this field set define editable fields in the Notes section in timecard lines in the Timecard UI.
Text(255) |
false |
'TimeCard_Notes_Field_Editable' |
TC_Notes_Field_Readonly_Fieldset_Name__c |
TC Notes Field Readonly Fieldset Name |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
API name of a field set used by the Timecard object. Fields in this field set define read-only fields in the Notes section in timecard lines in the Timecard UI.
Text(255) |
false |
'TimeCard_Notes_Field_Readonly' |
TC_Status_To_Hide__c |
TC Status To Hide |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Field is used to hold coma (,) separated list of timecard status values that will be hide on the TC UI.
Text(200) |
false |
Task_Statuses_To_Hide__c |
Task Statuses To Hide |
Spring 2018 |
Specifies tasks to hide when pre-populating in Timecards unless they have associated time logged. The value is a comma-separated list of statuses.
Text(255) |
false |
Task_Time_Entry_Assignment_Filter__c |
Task Time: Only show assigned tasks. |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Task_Time_Entry_Date_Filter__c |
Task Time: Filter task dates |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Text(255) |
false |
"None" |
Task_Time_Entry_Mode__c |
Task Time Entry Mode |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The time entry mode to use when entering task time for a timecard row. You can choose one of these values: Adjust up, Current, Calculated, or Freeform. The default value is Current.
Text(80) |
false |
"Current" |
Top_assignment_to_show_count__c |
Top assignment to show count |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number of top assignments to be loaded to show on Project/assignment overlay
Number(18,0) |
false |
10 |
Top_assignment_week_load_limit__c |
Top_assignment_week_load_limit |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number of weeks for which top assignments/projects to loaded to show on project/assignment overlay
Number(18,0) |
false |
4 |
Top_project_to_show_count__c |
Top project to show count |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number of top projects to be loaded to show on Project/assignment overlay
Number(18,0) |
false |
10 |
Use_assignment_id__c |
Use assignment id |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates if an assignment id should be used while displaying assignments on the time card page
Checkbox |
true |
Weekend_Color_Code__c |
Weekend Color Code |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Given field/config is used to color code Scheduled 0-hour days. On a typical 8-hour/5-day schedule, this would be the weekend days, Saturday and Sunday, but this would work for any days that are explicitly 0 hours in the Schedule Pattern (not Holidays) on the selected Resource's Work Calendar. Customers could set this to a color (could be different than any color chosen for Holidays) and the date-column heading would be color-coded in the same way, with a legend off to the right showing.
Text(40) |
false |
"#F0F0F0" |
Width_px_for_project_assig_drop_down__c |
Width px for project assig drop down |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Controls the pixel width for Project/Assignment dropdown on Timecard Entry UI. Please specify a whole number for this value, as this will directly go into width. For ex a value 300 will set the dropdown width to 300px.
Number(3,0) |
false |
200 |