Professional Services Automation Data Dictionary


Label: External Calendar Events Settings

Preferences impacting the calendar events syncing process.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
Assignment_Calendar_Event_Title__c Assignment Calendar Event Title Spring 2023 Defines a field with a value that is displayed in the calendar as the Assignment event title.

Text(255) false
Assignment_Event_Description_Fieldset__c Assignment Event Description Fieldset Spring 2023 Defines the fields that are displayed in the calendar for Assignment event description.

Text(255) false
Named_Credential_For_Google__c Named Credential for Google Spring 2023 Specify a named credential for google as the callout endpoint.

Text(255) false
Named_Credential_For_Outlook__c Named Credential for Outlook Spring 2023 Specify a named credential for outlook as the callout endpoint.

Text(255) false
PTA_Calendar_Event_Title__c PTA Calendar Event Title Spring 2023 Defines a field with a value that is displayed in the calendar as the PTA event title.

Text(255) false
PTA_Event_Description_Fieldset__c PTA Event Description Fieldset Spring 2023 Defines the fields that are displayed in the calendar for PTA event description.

Text(255) false
Resource_Calendar_Id_Field__c Resource Calendar Id Field Spring 2023 Defines an email field to sync with the calendar.

Text(255) false
Show_As_Busy__c Show as Busy Spring 2023 When selected, shows the calendar status as busy for the synced events.

Checkbox false
Sync_Assignment_With_External_Calendar__c Sync Assignment with External Calendar Spring 2023 When selected, sync the Assignments with an external calendar by creating events for it.

Checkbox false
Sync_PTA_With_External_Calendar__c Sync PTA with External Calendar Spring 2023 When selected, sync the PTAs with an external calendar by creating events for it.

Checkbox false

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