Professional Services Automation Data Dictionary


Label: Timecard API Settings

Manages timecards sent to a third-party application.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
Earnings_Code_Assignment__c Earnings Code (Assignment) Summer 2018 The API name of the field used to send earnings code information through the PSA Timecards API for timecards logged against assignments.

Text(255) false
Earnings_Code_Project__c Earnings Code (Project) Summer 2018 The API name of the field used to send earnings code information through the PSA Timecards API for timecards logged against global projects.

Text(255) false
Exclude_Project_Type_From_Post_Response__c Exclude Project Type from POST Response Summer 2018 Uses Project Type to filter out timecards from the response. The value is a comma separated list of project types.

Text(255) false

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