Label: Billing Forecast Setup Contains the information required to configure and run a billing forecast calculation.
Actuals_Cutoff_Offset__c |
Actuals Cutoff Offset |
Spring 2018 |
Enter the number of days prior to the current date up to which actuals should be included. Enter 0 to use today as the cutoff date. Leave blank to use the default cut off date, which is the end of last week.
Number(18,0) |
false |
Default_Opportunity_Curve__c |
Default Opportunity Curve |
Spring 2018 |
The billing forecast curve applied to an opportunity during a billing forecast calculation if the opportunity does not have a curve assigned to it.
Looks up to: Forecast_Curve__c
Lookup |
false |
Default_Project_Curve__c |
Default Project Curve |
Spring 2018 |
The billing forecast curve applied to a project during a billing forecast calculation if the project does not have a curve assigned to it.
Looks up to: Forecast_Curve__c
Lookup |
false |
Is_Active__c |
Active |
Summer 2018 |
Denotes the setup record which will be used for new billing forecast calculations.
Checkbox |
false |
Use_Is_Services_Product_On_Opp_Product__c |
Use Is Services Product On Opp Product |
Spring 2018 |
If you select Opportunity Product, only opportunity products that have IsServicesProductLine checked are included. If you select Product, only opportunity products that have IsServicesProduct checked on the product itself are included.
Picklist: Opportunity Product Product |
true |
Use_Opportunity_Curve_For_Products__c |
Use Opportunity Curve for Products |
Fall 2019 |
If set to true, the opportunity curve is always applied when running a billing forecast calculation.
Checkbox |
false |