Professional Services Automation Data Dictionary


Label: Services Credits Allocation

Services Credits are a common currency that allows customers to purchase credits at any time to redeem them later towards a variety of firm, fixed-price, or packaged services when and as needed. The Services Credits Allocation represents the number of credits that are assigned to a particular piece of work such as milestones and are generated as part of the process of redeeming the credits. Different services credits customer purchase records can contribute to the same services credits allocation record.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
Account__c Account Winter 2025 The account to which the services credits allocation relates.

Looks up to: Account

Lookup false
Allocation_Type__c Allocation Type Winter 2025 The allocation type for the services credits. If the record is the result of assigning credits to a piece of work, its type is Allocated. If the record is the result of flagging credits as expired without associating them with a piece of work, its type is Expired.

Amount_Paid_for_Credits_Number__c Amount Paid for Credits Number Winter 2025 The sum of the amount paid for the credits allocated. This field is of Number type.

Amount_Paid_for_Credits__c Amount Paid for Credits Winter 2025 The sum of the amount paid for the credits allocated. This field is of Currency type.

Internal_Value_of_Credits_Number__c Internal Value of Credits Number Winter 2025 The sum of the internal values of the credits allocated. This field is of Number type.

Internal_Value_of_Credits__c Internal Value of Credits Winter 2025 The sum of the internal values of the credits allocated. This field is of Currency type.

Milestone__c Milestone Winter 2025 The milestone to which the services credits are allocated.

Looks up to: Milestone__c
Lookup false
Services_Credits_Allocated__c Services Credits Allocated Winter 2025 The number of services credits allocated to a particular piece of work, such as Milestones.


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