Project Budgets Fields

You can view the Project Budgets grid in the Financials tab of a project record, although an administrator can configure it to be displayed elsewhere on the page. This grid provides a summary of the project based on budgets, grouped by type. The permissions required to use this component are listed in Permissions for the Project Budgets Lightning Component.


The following columns are available in the Project Budgets grid.

Project Budgets Grid Columns
Name Description
Budget Name

The budget's name, grouped under type. You can click to navigate to the budget's record page.

Description The description for the budget. This is derived from the Description field in the Budget record.
Amount The amount of the budget. This is derived from the Amount field in the Budget record.
Amount Consumed The amount consumed from the total amount of the budget. This is derived from the Amount Consumed field in the Budget record.
Amount Remaining

The amount left after consumption. This is calculated as: Amount - Amount Consumed.

  • If the value in this field is negative, is displayed against the value.
  • If multiple rows have negative values in this field in the same budget type making the summary row total a negative value, then all the rows with negative values along with the summary row with the total value, display .


The toolbar above the Project Budgets grid contains:

Project Budgets Grid Toolbar Fields and Buttons
Field or Button Description
Reload Refreshes the grid.
Collapse All Collapses all rows in the grid so that only budget types are visible.
Expand All Expands all rows in the grid so that both budget types and budget names are visible.
Displays information about how to work with columns in the grid. You can hide, show, or sort individual columns, and use drag and drop to reorder them.