Order and Inventory Management Data Dictionary


Label: Additional Rebate Terms

Additional rebate terms to handle multiple suppliers, condition codes, quantity breakdown, amount breakdown and bundles

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Amount__c Amount Pre-Spring 2018 Rebate amount to be applied for each unit that qualifies for the rebate for volume rebates.

Currency__c Currency Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Currency_Master__c
Maximum_Quantity__c Maximum Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 Maximum number of units that qualify for the rebate. This applies to volume rebates only.

Maximum_Threshold__c Maximum Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 Maximum spend threshold that qualifies for the rebate.

Minimum_Quantity__c Minimum Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 Minimum number of units that qualify for the rebate. This applies to volume rebates and bundles.

Minimum_Threshold__c Minimum Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 Minimum spend threshold that qualifies for the rebate.

Rebate__c Rebate Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the Rebate to which these additional conditions apply

Looks up to: Rebate__c
Supplier_Site__c Supplier Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the supplier to which the rebate applies.

Looks up to: Supplier_Site__c

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