Order and Inventory Management Data Dictionary


Label: fferpcore__BillingDocument__c

Adding fields to an object in a different managed package

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Invoice_Correlation_Id__c Invoice Correlation ID Summer 2024 The Order and Inventory Management invoice correlation ID used within Foundations.

Total_Applied_Rebate_Amount__c Total Applied Rebate Amount Summer 2024 The total applied rebate amount on the Order and Inventory Management invoice associated with the billing document. It is the sum of the applied rebate amounts on the invoice lines.

Total_Customer_Rebate_Discount__c Total Customer Rebate Discount Summer 2024 The total customer rebate discount on the Order and Inventory Management invoice associated with the billing document. It is the sum of the customer rebate discounts on the invoice lines.

Total_Invoice__c Total Invoice Summer 2024 The total value of the Order and Inventory Management invoice associated with the billing document. This value includes tax, freight, miscellaneous charges, and shipped parts.


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