Order and Inventory Management Data Dictionary


Label: Month End Inventory

Snapshot of the inventory at a specific point in time.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Acquisition_Cost__c Acquisition Cost Pre-Spring 2018 The acquisition unit cost for the inventory.

Acquisition_Currency__c Acquisition Currency Pre-Spring 2018 The currency the part was acquired in

Looks up to: Currency_Master__c
Adjustment_Cost__c Adjustment Cost Pre-Spring 2018 This fields displays the delta between the initial inventory position value and any adjustments made to the current value.

Number(18,9) 0
Availability_Code__c Availability Code Pre-Spring 2018 The availability code indicates specifics about whether the item inventory is available to be used, sold, or lent.

Availability__c Availability Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates whether the inventory is available for use.

Checkbox false
Bin__c Inventory Location Pre-Spring 2018 The location of the item in inventory.

Looks up to: Inventory_Location__c
CSN__c CSN Pre-Spring 2018 The number of cycles the part has on it since the part was new.

CSO__c CSO Pre-Spring 2018 Cycles since last overhaul.

CSR__c CSR Pre-Spring 2018 The number of cycles the part has on it since the part was removed.

Condition_Code__c Condition Pre-Spring 2018 This information helps describe the condition of the item (e.g., item is serviceable or new).

Looks up to: Condition_Code__c
Current_Value__c Current Value Pre-Spring 2018 The current value of the item in inventory.

Cycle_Count_Detail__c Cycle Count Detail Pre-Spring 2018 This field is populated when this inventory position is scheduled to be cycle counted. When the cycle count is confirmed the reference is removed. This provides visibility to current inventory and also prevents double scheduling a specific item for cycle count.

Looks up to: Cycle_Count_Detail__c
Cycle_Count_Status__c Cycle Count Status Pre-Spring 2018 If the inventory position is included in a cycle count batch, this status indicates, based on the count, whether this position should be added to or removed from inventory. This is here mainly to support parts that are under serial, lot, or shelf life control. This is set by a background process.

Date_Placed_in_Inventory__c Date Placed in Inventory Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
ICP_Acquisition_Cost__c ICP Acquisition Cost Pre-Spring 2018 The unit cost to acquire in the currency that is used for the ICP.

ICP_Currency__c ICP Currency Pre-Spring 2018 The currency used to hold the inventory in the specific ICP.

Looks up to: Currency_Master__c
IP_Created_By__c IP Created By Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: User

IP_Created_DateTime__c IP Created DateTime Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
IP_Modified_By__c IP Modified By Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: User

IP_Modified_DateTime__c IP Modified DateTime Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
Internal_Repair_Cost__c Internal Repair Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,9) 0
Item_Master__c Item Master Pre-Spring 2018 The item number for the part in inventory.

Looks up to: Item__c
Item_Serial_Number__c Item Serial Number Pre-Spring 2018 The serial number of the item in inventory. This replaces the serial number field that was originally on the inventory position - it was too short.

Labor_Cost__c Labor Cost Pre-Spring 2018 The labor cost for this item per unit.

Number(18,9) 0
Last_Cycle_Count_Performed__c Last Cycle Count Performed Pre-Spring 2018 This date is added as a result of a cycle count confirmation record being generated and is the basis for calculating the next due automated request cycle count

Logistics_Cost__c Logistics Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,9) 0
Lot_Number__c Lot Number Pre-Spring 2018 The lot number for the part(s) in inventory. The lot number must be specified if the part is defined to be a lot controled part.

Manufacturer_CAGE__c Manufacturer CAGE Pre-Spring 2018 Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number that identifies government contractors.

Manufacturer__c Manufacturer Pre-Spring 2018 Manufacturer of Item

Looks up to: Manufacturer__c
Owned_By__c Owned By Pre-Spring 2018 The field indicates who owns the part. This will eventually be a lookup field

Ownership_Code__c Ownership Code Pre-Spring 2018 This information helps describe the Ownership of the item (i.e., item owned by a certain Supplier or Customer)

Looks up to: Ownership_Code__c
Purchase_Order_Line_Item__c Purchase Order Line Item Pre-Spring 2018 The purchase order line item the parts are allocated to. This field contains data only if the part(s) are allocated to a purchase order. This is usually for outside service.

Looks up to: Purchase_Order_Line_Item__c
Quantity_Allocated__c Quantity Allocated Pre-Spring 2018 The quantity that has been reserved to fill a Purchase, Sales, or Transfer Order

Number(18,4) 0
Quantity__c Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 The quantity of the part in the specific location

Number(18,4) 0
Quantity_in_Transit__c Quantity in Transit Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,4) 0
Receipt_Line__c Receipt Line Pre-Spring 2018 The receipt line that this inventory was received on

Looks up to: Receipt_Line__c
Receiving_Inspection__c Receiving Inspection Pre-Spring 2018 Receiving Inspection associated with the parts in this inventory position entry. This field is null for parts that do not require inspection.

Looks up to: Receiving_Inspection__c
Repair_Cost__c Net Change in Value Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Current_Value__c - Acquisition_Cost__c
Reserve_Price__c Reserve Price Pre-Spring 2018 The minimum price at which a seller is willing to sell an item. Reservation prices are commonly used in auctions.

Revision_Level__c Revision Level Pre-Spring 2018 Engineering control revision of part in inventory

Sale_Price__c Sale Price Pre-Spring 2018 The price that the inventory part is sold for.

Sales_Order_Line_Item__c Sales Order Line Item Pre-Spring 2018 If inventory position is allocated to a sales order, this references the line item the allocation is for.

Looks up to: Sales_Order_Line_Item__c
Service_Cost__c Service Cost Pre-Spring 2018 The field is incremented whenever a service type purchase order is received into the system. The receipt of the service PO updates the current value of the item as well as this attribute.

Number(18,9) 0
Shelf_Life_Expiration__c Shelf Life Expiration Pre-Spring 2018 Shelf life is the time that items can be stored, during which the defined quality of a specified proportion of the item remains acceptable under expected (or specified) conditions of distribution and storage.

Snapshot_Date_Time__c Snapshot Date/Time Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
TSN__c TSN Pre-Spring 2018 Time since the part was new. This is hours and tenths or minutes

TSO__c TSO Pre-Spring 2018 Time since last overhaul.

TSR__c TSR Pre-Spring 2018 Time since the part was removed. This is hours and tenths or minutes.

Total_Acquisition_Cost__c Total Acquisition Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Acquisition_Cost__c * Quantity__c
Total_Current_Value__c Total Current Value Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Current_Value__c * Quantity__c
Warehouse__c Warehouse Pre-Spring 2018 This is an internal field only and is used to facilitate summarizing inventory by warehouse. The field is automatically populated.


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