Order and Inventory Management Data Dictionary


Label: OIM Plugins

Specifies the class to call at the specified point in Order and Inventory Management. Class must extend SCMPlugin. For more information about the SCMPlugin class, see OIM Apex API Developer Reference.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AP_Voucher_Credit__c AP Voucher Credit Pre-Spring 2018 Class to call to process a credit

AP_Voucher_Void__c AP Voucher Void Pre-Spring 2018 Plugin to process void AP Voucher

Invoice_Void_After__c Invoice Void After Pre-Spring 2018 Called right after an invoice gets voided. Credit Invoice Id provided.

Invoice_Void__c Invoice Void Pre-Spring 2018 Called right before an invoice gets voided.

Receipt_of_Capital_Equipment__c Receipt of Capital Equipment Pre-Spring 2018 Called after the receipt of a Capital Equipment Purchase Order Line.

Recur_Invoice_Plugin__c Recur Invoice Plugin Pre-Spring 2018 Text(40)
Sales_Invoice_Bill__c Sales Invoice Bill Pre-Spring 2018 On Sales Order Review Invoice screen when you click the Bill button. Executed after the Invoice gets created and Sales Order updated.

Sales_Invoice_Credit__c Sales Invoice Credit Pre-Spring 2018 The name of the class to invoke when a sales invoice is being credited. This can be used to credit tax when appropriate. It is invoked after the invoice line(s) are created.


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