Order and Inventory Management Data Dictionary


Label: Condition Code

This Object describes a Condition Code which is used throughout the application when something (i.e., part of facility supplies (MRO)) is to be procured, warehoused or sold. The information helps describe the status of the item. This information is used in Procurement, Sales, Inventory, and Finance processes.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Description__c Description Pre-Spring 2018 The description for this condition code

Disposal_Code__c Federal Disposal Code Pre-Spring 2018 The second position of the Federal condition code

1 -Excellent
4 -Usable
7 -Reparable
X -Salvage
Federal_Condition_Code__c Federal Condition Code Pre-Spring 2018 This is a two-character combination of the "Supply" code and the "Disposal" code.

CASE( Supply_Code__c , "A -Serviceable", "A", "B -Serviceable", "B","C -Serviceable", "C" ,"D -Serviceable", "D","E -Unserviceable", "E", "F -Unserviceable","F ","G -Unserviceable","G" ,"H -Unserviceable","H","S -Unserviceable","S", "" ) & CASE( Disposal_Code__c , "1 -Excellent", "1", "4 -Usable", "4","7 -Reparable", "7" ,"X -Salvage", "X","S-Scrap", "S","" )
Supply_Code__c Federal Supply Code Pre-Spring 2018 The first position of the Federal condition code

A -Serviceable
B -Serviceable
C -Serviceable
D -Serviceable
E -Unserviceable
F -Unserviceable
G -Unserviceable
H -Unserviceable
S -Unserviceable

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