Order and Inventory Management Data Dictionary


Label: Warehouse

Specific warehouse or stock room within an ICP

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Active__c Active Pre-Spring 2018 When this flag is unchecked, users will not be able to transact any business from this warehouse

Checkbox true
Address__c Address Pre-Spring 2018 The address for the warehouse. This address can be the same as the ICP address or it may be different.

Looks up to: Address__c
Create_New__c Create New Pre-Spring 2018 Create a new warehouse if one does not exist

HYPERLINK("/"+ RecordType__c +"/e?retURL=%2F" + RecordType__c ,"Create a New Warehouse")
Default__c Default Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
ICP__c ICP Pre-Spring 2018 The ICP that this warehouse belongs to.

Looks up to: ICP__c
ILSMart_Listing__c DEPRECATED: ILSMart Listing Pre-Spring 2018 This field is obsolete.

Checkbox false
ILS_List_Type__c DEPRECATED: List Types for ILSMart.com Pre-Spring 2018 This field is obsolete.

G - List for commercial and defense
Q - List for defense community
S - List for specific companies only
Y - List for commercial aviation
RecordType__c RecordType Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:

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