Order and Inventory Management Data Dictionary


Label: Invoice to BD Export Batch Control

Stores the status and details of each of the batch processes used for exporting invoices as billing documents.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Apex_Job_Id__c Apex Job ID Fall 2020 Unique identifier of the batch Apex job associated with this batch control record.

Batch_Process__c Batch Process Fall 2020 Lookup to the batch process record associated with this batch control record. The batch process record is automatically deleted when the batch process completes successfully.

Looks up to: fflib_BatchProcess__c
Notification_Type__c Notification Type Fall 2020 Type of notification sent when the process completes. This field is automatically populated based on the batch job results. Possible values are: Undefined, Successful, Failure, and Mixed (indicates a mix of successful and error logs).

IF( Total_Number_Of_Logs__c = 0, $Label.InvoiceToBDExportBatchControlNotificationTypeUndefined, IF ( AND( Total_Number_Of_Errors__c = 0,Total_Number_Of_Aborts__c = 0,Total_Number_Of_External__c = 0), $Label.InvoiceToBDExportBatchControlNotificationTypeSuccessful, IF(Total_Number_Of_Errors__c = Total_Number_Of_Logs__c, $Label.InvoiceToBDExportBatchControlNotificationTypeFailure, IF(Total_Number_Of_Aborts__c > 0, $Label.InvoiceToBDExportBatchControlNotificationTypeFailure, IF( Total_Number_Of_External__c > 0, $Label.InvoiceToBDExportBatchControlNotificationTypeFailure, $Label.InvoiceToBDExportBatchControlNotificationTypeMixed ) ) ) ) )
Status__c Status Fall 2020 The current status of the Invoice to Billing Document Export batch job.

Total_Number_Of_Aborts__c Total Number of Aborts Fall 2020 The total number of batch control logs with a log type of Abort for this batch control record.

Total_Number_Of_Errors__c Total Number of Errors Fall 2020 The total number of batch control logs with a log type of Error for this batch control record.

Total_Number_Of_External__c Total Number of External Fall 2020 The total number of batch control logs with a log type of External for this batch control record.

Total_Number_Of_Logs__c Total Number of Logs Fall 2020 The total number of batch control logs for this batch control record.


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