Order and Inventory Management Data Dictionary


Label: Change Request

This Object describes the change request from a service contract and keeps track of the changes made to original service contract. This object supports history on service contract detail, a cancel service contract , etc. There are workflows, attachments, and business intelligences that are dependent on this object.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Annual_RC_Fees__c Annual Contract Value Pre-Spring 2018 The total recurring fees after discounts in a fiscal calendar year for the company.

Currency(18,2) 0
Auto_Submit_Change_Request__c Auto Submit Change Request Pre-Spring 2018 Flag change request that can be automatically be submit for approval.

Checkbox false
Bill_Start_Date__c Bill Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Effect date for the start of revised billing

Bill_To_Address_Formula__c Bill To Address Pre-Spring 2018 Current Billing Address

IF (ISBLANK (Override_Bill_To_Account__c) ,IF( ISBLANK( Override_Bill_To_Address__c ) , Customer_Account_Sold_To__r.Name + BR()+ Customer_Account_Sold_To__r.BillingStreet + BR()+ Customer_Account_Sold_To__r.BillingCity + ' ' + Customer_Account_Sold_To__r.BillingState + ', ' + Customer_Account_Sold_To__r.BillingPostalCode + ' ' + Customer_Account_Sold_To__r.BillingCountry , Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Name + BR() + Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_Street__c + BR() + IF( ISBLANK(Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c ) , '', Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c + BR() )+ IF( ISBLANK(Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Building_Information__c ) , '', Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Building_Information__c + BR() ) + Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_City__c + ', ' + Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_State_Province__c + ' ' + Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c ) , IF( ISBLANK( Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__c ) , Override_Bill_To_Account__r.Name + BR()+ Override_Bill_To_Account__r.BillingStreet + BR()+ Override_Bill_To_Account__r.BillingCity + ' ' + Override_Bill_To_Account__r.BillingState + ', ' + Override_Bill_To_Account__r.BillingPostalCode + ' ' + Override_Bill_To_Account__r.BillingCountry , Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Name + BR() + Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Mailing_Street__c + BR() + IF( ISBLANK(Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c ) ,'', Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c + BR() )+ IF( ISBLANK(Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Building_Information__c ) , '', Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Building_Information__c + BR() ) + Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Mailing_City__c + ', ' + Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Mailing_State_Province__c + ' ' + Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c ))
Cancel_Service_Order_Date__c Cancel Service Contract Date Pre-Spring 2018 The date the service contract was requested to be canceled.

Cancel_Service_Order__c Cancel Service Contract Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Change_Request_Approval_Date__c Change Request Approval Date Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
Change_Request_Cancel_Date__c Change Request Cancel Date Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
Change_Request_Refresh_Status__c Change Request Refresh Status Pre-Spring 2018 The status message that indicates when the change request needs refreshing with the values from the service contract. The value of this field is determined by the Change Request Up to Date checkbox.

IF(Change_Request_Up_to_Date__c, $Label.ChangeRequestRefreshStatusSynchronizedWithContract, $Label.ChangeRequestRefreshStatusNeedsRefreshing)
Change_Request_Up_to_Date__c Change Request Up to Date Pre-Spring 2018 If selected, the change request has the latest values from the service contract.

Checkbox true
Currency__c Currency Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Currency_Master__c
Current_Contract_Cost__c Current Contract Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Current_NRC_Cost__c + Current_RC_Cost__c
Current_Contract_Term__c Current Contract Term Pre-Spring 2018 Number(10,0) 0
Current_Contract_Value__c Current Contract Value Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Current_Invoice_Cycle__c Current Invoice Cycle Pre-Spring 2018 Number(10,0)
Current_NRC_Cost__c Current NRC Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Current_RC_Cost__c Current RC Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Customer_Account_Sold_To__c Customer Account Sold To Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Account

Customer_Purchase_Order__c Customer Purchase Order Pre-Spring 2018 Customer purchase order for change request

Customer_Quotation_Status_Formula__c Customer Quotation Status Pre-Spring 2018 Customer quotation status

If( Customer_Quotation__c != null, Text(Customer_Quotation__r.Status__c), 'No Customer Quotation')
Customer_Quotation__c Customer Quotation Pre-Spring 2018 References Customer Quotation Number

Looks up to: Customer_Quotation__c
Delta_Annual_RC_Fees__c Delta Annual RC Fees Pre-Spring 2018 Difference between current annual recurring fees and newannual recurring fees total

New_Annual_RC_Fees__c - Annual_RC_Fees__c
Delta_Contract_Cost__c Delta Contract Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Delta_RC_Cost__c + Delta_NRC_Cost__c
Delta_NRC_Cost__c Delta NRC Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Delta_RC_Cost__c Delta RC Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Incorporated_Date__c Incorporated Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
NRC_Invoice_Formula__c Current NRC Invoice Pre-Spring 2018 Current invoiced on nonrecurring amount prior to any changes

New_Annual_RC_Fees__c New Annual Contract Value Pre-Spring 2018 The new total recurring fees after discounts in a fiscal calendar year for the company.

Currency(18,2) 0
New_Bill_To_Address_Formula__c New Bill To Address Pre-Spring 2018 New billing address effected for this change

IF (AND(ISBLANK( New_Override_Bill_To_Account__c ) , ISBLANK( New_Override_Bill_To_Address__c ) ) , ' ' , IF (ISBLANK (New_Override_Bill_To_Account__c) ,IF( ISBLANK( New_Override_Bill_To_Address__c ) , ' ' , New_Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Name + BR() + New_Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_Street__c + BR() + IF( ISBLANK(New_Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c ) , '', New_Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c + BR() )+ IF( ISBLANK(New_Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Building_Information__c ) , '', New_Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Building_Information__c +BR() ) + New_Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_City__c + ', ' + New_Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_State_Province__c + ' ' + New_Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c ) , IF( ISBLANK( New_Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__c ) , New_Override_Bill_To_Account__r.Name + BR()+ New_Override_Bill_To_Account__r.BillingStreet + BR()+ New_Override_Bill_To_Account__r.BillingCity + ' ' + New_Override_Bill_To_Account__r.BillingState + ', ' + New_Override_Bill_To_Account__r.BillingPostalCode + ' ' + New_Override_Bill_To_Account__r.BillingCountry , New_Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Name + BR() + New_Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Mailing_Street__c + BR() + IF( ISBLANK(New_Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c ) ,'', New_Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c + BR())+ IF( ISBLANK(New_Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Building_Information__c ) , '', New_Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Building_Information__c + BR()) + New_Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Mailing_City__c + ', ' + New_Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Mailing_State_Province__c + ' ' + New_Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__r.Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c )) )
New_Bill_To_Formula__c New Bill To Address Pre-Spring 2018 New billing address effected for this change

New_Contract_Term_Formula__c Deprecated New Contract Term Pre-Spring 2018 The new contract term applied on the change request.

If(New_Service_Term_Formula__c != null, Text(New_Service_Term_Number__c) & " " & New_Service_Term_Formula__c & "(s)", "")
New_Contract_Value_Formula__c Deprecated New Contract Value Pre-Spring 2018 New contract value after changes

New_Total_RC_Contract_Value__c + New_Total_NRC_Contract_Value__c
New_Contract_Value__c New Contract Value Pre-Spring 2018 The new contract value after the change request is applied.

Currency(11,2) 0
New_Number_Service_Lines__c New Number Service Lines Pre-Spring 2018 The new total number of service contract lines after the changes.

Number(5,0) 0
New_Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__c New Override Bill To Account Address Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Customer_Address__c
New_Override_Bill_To_Account__c New Override Bill To Account Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Account

New_Override_Bill_To_Address__c New Override Bill To Address Pre-Spring 2018 Add new billing address if applicable

Looks up to: Customer_Address__c
New_Override_Ship_To_Address__c New Override Ship To Address Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Customer_Address__c
New_Price_Type__c New Price Type Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Price_Type__c
New_RC_Price_Discounted__c Delta RC Discounted Pre-Spring 2018 Difference between current recurring total discounted amount and new recurring total discounted amount

Currency(18,2) 0
New_Remaining_Terms_to_be_Billed__c New Remaining Terms to be Billed Pre-Spring 2018 The current terms yet to be billed.

Number(10,0) 0
New_Service_Contract_First_Bill_Date__c New Service Contract First Bill Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
New_Service_Contract_Start_Date__c New Service Contract Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
New_Service_Order_End_Date__c New Service Contract End Date Pre-Spring 2018 The new service contract end date.

New_Service_Order_Line_Quantity__c New Service Contract Line Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 Adding up the new service contract line quantity after changes

New_Service_Term_Formula__c Deprecated New Service Term Pre-Spring 2018 New contract terms after changes

IF( New_Service_Term_Lookup__c != null, New_Service_Term_Lookup__r.Name, $Label.ServiceTermMonth)
New_Service_Term_Lookup__c New Service Term Pre-Spring 2018 Select the appropriate Service term for this change

Looks up to: Service_Term__c
New_Service_Term_Number__c New Service Term Number Pre-Spring 2018 New contract terms applied on change request

New_Service_Term_Value_Formula__c New Service Term Value Pre-Spring 2018 New service term value after changes

New_Total_NRC_Contract_Value__c New Total NRC Contract Value Pre-Spring 2018 The total non-recurring contract value on the change request or service contract after the changes.

Currency(18,2) 0
New_Total_NRC_Discounted_Price__c Delta NRC Discounted Pre-Spring 2018 Difference between current nonrecurring discounted amount and new nonrecurring discounted amount

Currency(18,2) 0
New_Total_NRC_Extended_Formula__c Delta NRC Ext. Pre-Spring 2018 Difference between current total nonrecurring fees and new total nonrecurring fees

New_Total_NRC_Materials__c + New_Total_NRC_Options__c + New_Total_NRC_Time__c
New_Total_NRC_Materials__c Delta NRC Materials Pre-Spring 2018 Difference between current total nonrecurring materials fees and new total nonrecurring materials fees

Currency(18,2) 0
New_Total_NRC_Not_Invoiced__c New NRC Not Invoiced Pre-Spring 2018 Total nonrecurring fees not invoiced

New_Total_NRC_Options__c Delta NRC Options Pre-Spring 2018 Difference between current total nonrecurring option fees and new total nonrecurring option fees

Currency(18,2) 0
New_Total_NRC_Price_Formula__c Delta NRC Ext. After Discounts Pre-Spring 2018 Difference between current total nonrecurring fees after discounts and new total nonrecurring fees after discounts

New_Total_NRC_Extended_Formula__c - New_Total_NRC_Discounted_Price__c
New_Total_NRC_Time__c Delta NRC Time Pre-Spring 2018 Difference between current total nonrecurring time fees and new total nonrecurring time fees

Currency(18,2) 0
New_Total_RC_Base__c Delta RC Base Pre-Spring 2018 The difference between the current total recurring base fees and the new total recurring base fees.

Currency(18,2) 0
New_Total_RC_Contract_Value__c New Total RC Contract Value Pre-Spring 2018 Total recurring contract value on the Change Request/Service Contract after changes.

Currency(18,2) 0
New_Total_RC_Extended_Formula__c Delta RC Ext. Pre-Spring 2018 Difference between current total recurring fees and new total recurring fees

New_Total_RC_Base__c + New_Total_RC_Options__c
New_Total_RC_Options__c Delta RC Options Pre-Spring 2018 Difference between current total recurring option fees and new total recurring option fees

Currency(18,2) 0
New_Total_RC_Price_Formula__c Delta RC Ext. After Discounts Pre-Spring 2018 Difference between current total recurring fees after discounts and new total recurring fees after discounts

New_Total_RC_Extended_Formula__c - New_RC_Price_Discounted__c
Number_Change_Request_lines__c Number Change Request lines Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
Number_Service_Lines__c Number Service Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Current number of service contract lines

Override_Bill_To_Account_Address__c Override Bill To Account Address Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Customer_Address__c
Override_Bill_To_Account__c Override Bill To Account Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Account

Override_Bill_To_Address__c Override Bill To Address Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Customer_Address__c
Override_Ship_To_Address__c Override Ship To Address Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Customer_Address__c
Price_Type__c Price Type Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Price_Type__c
RC_Price_Discounted__c Current RC Discounted Pre-Spring 2018 Current discounted amount on recurring fees prior to any changes

Currency(18,2) 0
Remain_Contract_Term__c Remaining Contract Term Pre-Spring 2018 Remaining contract term when change request was created

Remain_Contract_Value__c Remaining Contract Value Pre-Spring 2018 Remaining contract value when change request was created

Remain_Service_Term_Number__c Remain Service Term Number Pre-Spring 2018 Remain service term number

Remaining_Terms_to_be_Billed__c Remaining Terms to be Billed Pre-Spring 2018 Contract term before any changes are made. This value is set when a change request is created.

Number(10,0) 0
Service_Contract_First_Bill_Date__c Service Contract First Bill Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Service_Contract_Start_Date__c Service Contract Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Service_Order_End_Date__c Service Contract End Date Pre-Spring 2018 Service contract end date prior to any changes

Service_Order__c Service Contract Pre-Spring 2018 Every change request must be long to a service contract record

Looks up to: Service_Order__c
Service_Term_Value__c Service Term Value Pre-Spring 2018 Service term value prior to any changes

Service_Term__c Service Term Pre-Spring 2018 Service term prior to any changes

Status__c Status Pre-Spring 2018 Current Status of Change Request

Submitted for Approval
Sync_Header_Terms_to_Lines__c Sync Header Terms to Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
Take_Effected_On__c Effective Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date on which the changes are to take effect

Total_NRC_Discount_Price__c Current NRC Discounted Pre-Spring 2018 Current discounted amount on nonrecurring fees prior to any changes

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_NRC_Extended_Formula__c Current NRC Ext. Pre-Spring 2018 Current total nonrecurring fees prior to any changes prior to any changes

Total_NRC_Materials__c + Total_NRC_Options__c + Total_NRC_Time__c
Total_NRC_Materials__c Current NRC Materials Pre-Spring 2018 Current total nonrecurring fees for materials prior to any changes

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_NRC_Not_Invoiced_Formula__c Current NRC Not Invoiced Pre-Spring 2018 Current total nonrecurring fees not invoiced prior to any changes

Total_NRC_Options__c Current NRC Options Pre-Spring 2018 Current total nonrecurring fees for options prior to any changes

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_NRC_Price_Formula__c Current NRC Ext. After Discounts Pre-Spring 2018 Current total nonrecurring fees after discount prior to any changes

Total_NRC_Extended_Formula__c - Total_NRC_Discount_Price__c
Total_NRC_Time__c Current NRC Time Pre-Spring 2018 Current total nonrecurring fees for time prior to any changes

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_Prorated_Amount_Billed__c Total Prorated Amount Billed Pre-Spring 2018 Total Prorated Amount Billed

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_RC_Base__c Current RC Base Pre-Spring 2018 Current total recurring base fees prior to any changes

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_RC_Extended_Formula__c Current RC Ext. Pre-Spring 2018 Current total recurring fees prior to any changes

Total_RC_Base__c + Total_RC_Options__c
Total_RC_Options__c Current RC Options Pre-Spring 2018 Current total recurring fees for options prior to any changes

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_RC_Price_Formula__c Current RC Ext. After Discounts Pre-Spring 2018 Current total recurring fees after discounts and prior to any changes

Total_RC_Extended_Formula__c - RC_Price_Discounted__c
Total_Service_Order_Line_Quantity__c Deprecate Total SC Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 Total service contract line quantity before change

Update_Next_Invoice_Date__c Update Next Invoice Date Pre-Spring 2018 Change the next invoice date


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