Order and Inventory Management Data Dictionary


Label: PO Payment Terms

This Object describes Purchase Order Payment Terms which are used in Purchase Order Agreements to provide a record and instruction for how Accounts payable is to pay for a Supplier's goods or services. This information is used in Procurement and Finance processes.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Basis_for_Due__c Basis for Due Pre-Spring 2018 The selection here is used to calculate the invoice due date

Invoice Date
Invoice Registered Date
Items Received
Date_Due__c Date Due Pre-Spring 2018 Enter the date the payment is to be made

Description__c Description Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Discount_Days__c Discount Days Pre-Spring 2018 Number(3,0)
Discount_Determined_by__c Discount Determined by Pre-Spring 2018 Price is valid up to this date

Discount_Number__c Discount Number Pre-Spring 2018 Enter the amount for the discount

Discount_Percentage__c Discount Percentage Pre-Spring 2018 Enter the percentage for the discount

Number_of_Days__c Number of Days Pre-Spring 2018 Enter the number of days in which the payment is to be made

Terms_Description__c Terms Description Pre-Spring 2018 Description of Purchase Order Term

Terms_Name__c Terms Name Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)

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