Order and Inventory Management Data Dictionary


Label: Address

This Object describes an address which is used to establish a record of where an internal resource is located. This includes Inventory Control Points, Warehouses, and certain users (e.g., the Sales Representative user). This information is used in Acquisition, Inventory Management and Order Fulfillment processes.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
City__c City Pre-Spring 2018 City of address

Country__c Country Pre-Spring 2018 Country of address

Create_New__c Create New Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
HYPERLINK("/"+ RecordType__c +"/e?retURL=%2F" + RecordType__c ,"Create a New Address")
Line1__c Address Line 1 Pre-Spring 2018 First line of address

Line2__c Address Line 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Second line of address

PostalCode__c Postal Code Pre-Spring 2018 Postal code of address

RecordType__c RecordType Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
LEFT( Id , 3)
State__c State Pre-Spring 2018 State/Province of address

Validated__c Validated Summer 2022 Indicates whether the address has been validated against the addresses in the external tax calculation service. Automatically selected after you validate the address. Automatically deselected after you change any of the address fields.

Checkbox false

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